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Weight Watchers

Weight Watchers...

March 06, 2002

So I joined Weight Watchers tonight. Going to that first meeting was tough. Starting anything is tough. I am sitting here looking at all this point stuff, and while I am excited about it all, I am also totally overwhelmed and scared. How the heck am I going to do this? But how in the heck can I not? I have to at least give it a chance. The meeting was neat... and I was glad to be there. I was nervous when it was time to be weighed.. but excited to find out that I am down to 205.8. That brings my weight loss so far to 15.2 pounds. I am pretty happy with that. What is even better is the knowledge that I am 6 pounds away from my first goal. I can't tell you the last time I weighed under 200 pounds, but it's been years. I am anxious to be there. So anxious! The thing is, I realize that not everyone is successful with things like this, and it may not be the right thing for me either, but unless I try, I will never know. It's all about making the changes, I guess.

I am afraid of change. That is something that I have dealt with always. But doesn't it make sense that I have to deal with that fear to get further. I guess that is one of the baby steps that I am going to have to take. I am afriad, because I am going to have to learn how to cook all over again. To learn how to make better choices and how to put them all together. But if it wasn't for all the choices I've made thus far, I wouldn't be in the position I am in. So making those changes is a good thing, it's just so hard. How am I going to put points together, for food that I cook for us now? How am I going to learn to do the right servings and stuff? I am worth it though. Feeling better about myself is worth it. Nothing this good comes easy, does it. I feel like I've had a lot of success so far too... 15 pounds is awesome. I really think that I am going to keep it up too.

I had a nice day at work today, and I got a lot done. Have I mentioned lately how much I enjoy my job? I love how much I am appreciated there. They never hesitate to tell me that. It's so nice too that I get to workout while I am at work. Sometimes I wonder how well I would be doing if that wasn't the case. I got some good workouts in today. I got up to 20 minutes on the jogger today. OMG, that felt so awesome. I did 25 minutes as well on the treadmill, and then later swam for 25 minutes. It feels good to work so hard. I don't feel bad about it though.. I take my lunch time to workout (whether I take it early or late or whatever), and I swim after work.. so it's not like I am taking company time.. what I mean is that it is so convenient. That is what makes it so nice. I can't believe it's already bedtime. I am tired tonight, but a good tired. Swimming really wiped me out. It was hard after having not done so in over a week.. but it felt so good too. I am glad that I got the chance to go.

Daily Tidbits

  1. I worked on my exercise charts today. I like the way I have them now, and it's so much easier now. You can find them over in the links, hehe.
  2. I haven't seen my mom in a while, maybe I will surprise her and sneak out to see her on Saturday. I miss her bunches. Everytime I try to call her, she is busy. I haven't even told her about my biopsy or anything, but then again, that may be a good thing. She tends to worry, perhaps I shouldn't say anything at all.
  3. Thanks to everyone for your emails and notes of support the past few days. I appreciate them very much. I am feeling pretty good tonight. My stitches are bothering me, mostly cause they itch and still bleed when I go potty.. but I am doing good. I am not even worried about it much anymore. I will be glad to hear from the doctor.. but I am not worried. I am glad that I had it done, but I know that nothing is wrong.

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