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And Then Again

And Then Again...

March 07, 2002

Maybe Not! The more I have been reading this weight watchers stuff, the more I am realizing that maybe this isn't the way I want to go. I am doing so good on my own... 15 pounds in 6 weeks, and I don't feel stressed or crazy or like I am being punished. If I start doing something like weight watchers, it's all going to change. I was already way stressed out by this morning, and miserable, and that's when I stopped to realize.. why mess with what is working. I am working hard... exercising my fair share, making healthier choices when it comes to food, and it's working. I feel better for having made this decision.

I do not regret going last night though. I feel good about that. I learned some stuff, and I am going to use the materials that I have now as a tool in helping to make better choices. I have some other ideas of things to do as well to help me along in my Better Me quest. I am happy with these choices.. that is what counts. Stephen was pretty happy to hear that I decided against WW too.. he said that he really didn't feel it was the right option for me, and that he thought I was doing great already, without it. It made me feel good to hear him say that.. I thought he was going to be thinking the opposite. He has been so supportive, and that means the world to me.

So the girls and I are going to start something new. We are making Better Us, Recipe books... we are doing a recipe swap, one new recipe per month, and we have to try it out. It is going to be good, healthier choice recipes that are still full of flavor. Stuff that we would actually make, and enjoy. I am so excited about this. It's going to be a lot of fun, and I can't wait to get started on my first page, giggle. I love doing stuff like this with them. I love them, hehe. I wonder if I tell them enough how much I appreciate them. I hope so.

Daily Tidbits

  1. I told Stephen that I wanted to go see my parents on Saturday. He thought it was a good idea, so hopefully they will not have any plans. I will probably just spend the night out there, and go to meet Cory for swimming in the morning, and then off to home to pick up Stephen, and then we are going to the wolves game with Jen. I am so looking forward to it, it's going to be a great weekend.
  2. Tonight is dinner with the 'rents. I like Thursdays... giggle. Must See TV too.. can't wait to see what happens on Friends, and Survivor and ER. I think Charmed is a re-run, bummer. I know it's going to be a crazy night though, so I decided to come write now, in case I don't get the chance to later, hehe.
  3. I think this recipe swap is getting me excited about scrapping again. Maybe this is what I need to break this slump I am in. I haven't even tried to scrap most of this week. Guess we all need a break from time to time.
  4. I got soooo sick to my stomach as I was working out today. I even had to stop in the middle to go throw up. God, I hate throwing up more than anything else. It's soooo grosssss. I took it easy for the rest of the workout pretty easy.. but I still feel like I had a good workout, so that's a good thing.
  5. I am pretty happy right now. I feel so much better after having a stressful morning. Phew. I like when I am able to figure things out, and feel good about them. Yay me!

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