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The Worst Kind of...

The Worst Kind of...

March 08, 2002

Day off of work, is a sick day, when you are really sick. I wrote yesterday how I felt sick while I was working out, well it just got worse and worse throughout the night. By this morning, I was a wreck, and I could barely get out of bed, let alone go to work. I spent much of the day throwing up, and the rest of it laying in bed. Gosh, I know I've said it before, but I really really really hate being sick.

I almost went to bed before ER came on last night, but I am sooooooooo glad that I stayed up to watch it, because it was hysterical. I enjoyed it very much, but I was asleep not long after it ended. Man, I hope I feel better tomorrow.

Luckily, my mom and dad had plans tomorrow, so I wasn't able to make plans with them. At first, I was sad, but now that I am sick, I am glad that they didn't change their plans to spend time with me. I don't feel up to it, and I would have felt horrible if I had to cancel. I guess that things do work out for the best sometimes.

I felt better for a little while, but I didn't want to do much. I came on and figured out how to get onto Cory and Tonya's journals (I had trouble doing it from home... everytime I would log on to theirs, it would take me back to mine.. I finally just deleted all my cookies, and it worked, yay), and so I was able to finish their Easter looks. I love taking care of their journals. I am so glad that they ask me to do it. Then I actually got up and took a shower.. boy did that feel good.

Then I made a mistake... I tried to eat... uggghhh...Well, I don't feel so great sitting here now, but I did want to write something and I am glad that I got to. Now I am going to go lay down and watch some movies with Stephen. He is not a very good person to take care of someone who is sick... when he is sick, he just wants to be left alone, and so he doesn't understand how I like to be cuddled... but he has been trying. For that I am so grateful. Oh man, I feel sooooo sick.... I hate this... g'nite.

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