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Is it Time to Go Home Yet

Is it Time to Go Home Yet...

March 12, 2001

I wouldn't say that this has been a horrible day, because it really hasn't been. It's just that when you aren't feeling very well, you don't enjoy anything around you. I feel awful with this cold/bronchitis. I also am soooo tired and feel sluggish. I have had so much work to do today, and I just feel like it's taking me forever to do. In reality, it is a lot of work, and in all fairness, it probably would take this long to do it anyway, but because I feel so sluggish, it just seems like it is taking me twice as long to accomplish anything. I still have at least 90 minutes to go before I can go home, and then an hour ride home...ughh, all I can think of at this moment is my bed, and my fluffy pillows, ohhh, even the thought can bring a sigh of relief to my lips.

Sherry and Chuck ate dinner with us last night, and stayed to watch the Sopranos. I made Pepper steak in the crock pot and it turned out really good, so they all said.. Personally anything that I eat lately just tastes like saw dust. We didn't do much while they were over, which was a good thing, since I just wasn't feeling up to much. If they didn't have to come anyway to pick up Chrissy and June, I probably would have cancelled. They also wanted to drop off the new grill that they bought for Stephen for his Birthday. Hehe, his birthday isn't until June, but Sherry is really bad about wanting to give people gifts early, she can't keep a secret about presents to save her life. It looks like a really nice grill, although it is still in the box and I didn't really look at it yet. I think that Stephen is excited about having a gas grill (we've always had charcoal grills). Should be fun putting that together... NOT.

Anyway, so after they all left last night, I took some nyquil and passed out. Sherry called me later that evening all upset, seems Chrissy lost her housekeys (yet again, 2nd time in less than 2 months) and that she thought that she lost them at my house. Sorry but I was just way too out of it at this point to care. I guess she called back to apologize for being snippy with me, but Stephen told her that I was asleep. The funny part is that when Stephen told me that this morning, I laughed and said, "She was snippy with me"?. I so don't even remember talking to her, giggle. She called me this morning and asked if I found the keys, but I had to tell her... I never even looked...I was already out of it when you called and then we had to be to work by 7 this morning, and I barely could get out of bed on time, let alone have to get up early to find keys. I told her that I would look when I got home, but to be quite honest, Chrissy says that she put them in June's bookbag, and they have June's bookbag there with them... so I am feeling a little frustrated that she was so snippy about it (she was snippy again this morning because I hadn't looked yet, and I understand that when they lose the keys, they have to pay to have the locks changed and for new keys because they live in an apartment complex, but I am not the one who lost them). Okay, I am only probably frustrated cause I feel so dang awful and just want to go home and go to bed, not searching for keys!

Down to about an hour before I can go home... why is time going sooo slow.....

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