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Fwoggy in my Throat

Fwoggy in my Throat...

March 14, 2001

I can't even count the number of times today that someone has said "you sound like you have a Frog in your throat"... so now I am calling it my pet fwoggy. Nothing is making him go away right now either.. I've tried hot tea, cough drops, cough medicine... nope, he's here to stay...for a little bit anyway.

Sherry and I went to the hospital last night for a couple of hours to sit with Gram. It was nice, and we had a really great visit. She, at that point, was able to start getting up and walking around, so we walked around the halls and found a nice comfy place to sit and talk. We had a wonderful conversation, old stories, sharing old recipes and just nice stuff. Grandma looked wonderful too, her color was back, and she just seemed more herself. We stayed until after her doctor came in. He is wonderful (He is our family doctor, and he really is helpful and friendly and since my mom always fixes his computers and stuff for him, he does little extras for us, LOL). Well he said that everything is looking great so far, and that he doesn't think that it's anything too serious. She had a stress test this morning, and we are just waiting for the results of that. If she passed it, then she gets to go home, but if there is anything that looks problematic with it, then tomorrow they will be doing a heart cath. Needless to say, we are hoping she comes home tonight.

Man, it's been such a busy week at work for me. I've been working non-stop from the time I get here in the morning, until it's time to go home. I kinda feel a little sluggish still with this cold, but I don't think it's taking me that much longer to get stuff done. Hmmmm, just one of those weeks.

I feel a little better today, not great by any means, but at least I see some improvement, which is a great thing. Of course that doesn't include my little fwoggy buddy who has taken up a residence in my throat. I am not blowing my nose as much though, and let me tell you, it's grateful, LOL. The only problem I am really having is falling asleep because of all my coughing and my itchy raw throat, and the problem is that after a few days nyquil just doesn't work as well. Oh well, at least I am on the mend, and should be feeling fine soon. As much as I hate to admit it, my fwoggy friend won't be missed... hope he doesn't take that one out on me, LOL.....


It now almost 10:00 pm, and I am heading to bed, but not before I share some good news. Thanks to everyone for their thoughts and prayers :) Gram got to go home tonight!!! Yippeeee!! They did bunches of tests over the past 2 days, and then today did a Stress test... which she passed :) They are going to keep an eye on her and keep her on some medications, and insist that she take it a little bit easier, but for now she is doing great and that is what is important!!

I couldn't be happier at this moment!!! Finally something good :)

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