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Night of Laughs

Night of Laughs...

March 15, 2001

It's about 10 pm right now and I am getting ready to go to bed (I already took my nyquil, love that stuff when I am sick, hehe), but I guess I wanted to write an entry for tonight, mostly because I've had a great night, and with all my depressing entries lately, I can use a happy upbeat one.

Stephen and I watched Friends together tonight and I have to say, we laughed so hard, I almost peed in my pants, hehe. I thought it was hysterical, especially when Ross and Joey were going at it in the restaurant. Oh God, I laughed and laughed.. and know what? It felt soooo good.

Another nice thing about tonight is that my phone has rang off the hook all night long, and it was nice. Between Cory, and Sherry and my mom... I felt loved...It's been a good night.

I am soooooooooooo tired now, so it's off to bed I go. I want to get into work early so that I can try to leave a little early tomorrow. I am going to go out to my mom's for the weekend to visit and relax and have *girl time*. Sherry is planning on coming out for one day alone as well and Cory is going to come over and visit too, so it should be a wonderful weekend. I am looking forward to it. Thank goodness for happy moments...

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