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St. Patrick's Day...Early

St. Patrick's Day...Early...

March 16, 2001

I can't believe that it is the middle of March, and it's been snowing all day!! YUCK YUCK YUCK. The first day of Spring is only 4 days away and we are getting SNOW!!! I love snow... in December.. but by February I am so ready for Spring to be here. March is not a month I enjoy snow in!!! No More Snow.. No More Snow... that's my new mantra (at least for today).

Tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day. The day when everyone is Irish. Are you? I am, and yes, I am all year long, not just tomorrow, giggle. Stephen is actually half Irish.. he is also half American Indian.. Oh yay, a drunk that cannot tolerate alcohol! The luck of the Irish...

We usually go to Stephen's parents for dinner on St. Patrick's day for smoked butt and cabbage. My parents usually make corned beef with their cabbage though. This year though, I won't even see Stephen since I will be out by my parents for the weekend. No Kiss me I'm Irish jokes with him this year. Nope, we are having a girl weekend!! Kinda fun girl times to cheer my gram up. I am looking forward to it. And at the same time, I am going to learn a few of grams best recipes. I mean, I already know how to make some of them, I just lack in the special gram touch... I am hoping to learn that... Is that something you can learn??? We will see.

So anyway, that's my weekend. I am so excited about having a fun weekend and getting past all the bad feelings of the past week. Oh, and I am finally feeling like this cold is getting better too... so yay, I am happy!


I got an email today from one of our professors on at our Arizona campus. They had their memorial service for Ven there this week. Our's is next friday I think. He said that it was very nice, and that people got up and shared lots of nice memories about Ven. He also said that Ven's family was there, and that they seemed to be holding up alright. I still haven't heard if they are going to be coming here for the memoral service here, but I certainly hope so. I would love to see Nalini (his wife) and Satish (his son) and the rest of his family. I am looking forward to the memorial service as well, because I feel that it will give us some closure that we really need on this.

I had a very nice dream on Wednesday night though, about Ven. I dreamed that we had just found out that he had gotten sick, and that he was coming for a visit. They had this huge banquet in his honor and he asked me to sit next to him, and we just talked and talked. I don't really remember everything that we talked about, but I remember him vividly, and I woke up feeling like I had just spent hours talking to him. It was a nice, warm feeling, and whenever I think about it, I feel happy. I know he is in a better place, and that his suffering is gone. I just wish that I had a chance to say goodbye, maybe that was why I had the dream... as my way of saying bye.

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