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Spring Fever
03-14-2002, 9:16 p.m.

Spring Fever...

March 14, 2002

Today was absolutely beautiful out. It was 65 degrees and all I wanted to do was be outside. I love Spring... it's such a wonderful time of the year. The only bad thing is it seems like most good days are the days when we are at work, and the bad weather is during the weekends, lol.

We had dinner with Stephen's parents tonight. It was a nice time, especially since the shows were re-runs tonight (except for Charmed) so we were not rushing to get home in time. So we stayed a little extra, just gabbing. Dinner was yummy too. It was a good night all together.

When we got home, I still had to go to Toys R Us for gifts for Matthew and Jonathon. Since it was still so nice out, I decided to just walk up there. I really love that I have been doing this. I am not counting it as exercise, and I am just leisurly walking, but just the fact that I am choosing to walk rather than drive says a lot about where I am in my life right now. I have been exercising more and more and watching my food more and more and yet I am feeling so huge and bloated lately. I am stuck at this weight and it just so sucks. I hope I start moving again soon. I am tired of being stuck here. I had a nice walk though, and I am glad that I chose to do so.

Now I just got done listening to the Wolves game, yay they won. Now I have to go pack and stuff. I don't want to forget anything. I need to take everything to my mom's tomorrow, for the party on Saturday since I am not coming home first. Well, I am leaving some stuff for Stephen to bring with him, but I still have to get it ready. I need to wrap presents too. Oops, I forgot to get cards, dang... better remember to do that tomorrow sometime. Such a busy life.. when all I want to be doing it sitting outside and soaking up the sun.

Daily Tidbits

  1. I hope that it's beautiful out tomorrow. I am taking half the day off to spend some time with mom. We are going to go swimming. She likes to swim for a long long time, so I doubt I will work out before I go, lol. Seriously, I won't have time. I have to get our exam ready for Monday and some other stuff since we are leaving early.
  2. Which reminds me, I better get in early too... ugghhhh, re-setting the alarm clock. Good thing I am tired... sleepy time a little early.
  3. I get the girls for their spring break... woo hoo. I love that I get them every year for that.
  4. My MIL told us tonight that Michelle and Delores both want great america passes again this year, and asked if we did too. How cool, I wasn't expecting getting any this year. They want to plan a weeked at a park again.. maybe in St. Louis this year. That would be fun.
  5. She also said that she is considering doing the Dells after all but not until late August. That would be cool. We'll see what happens I guess. Summer sounds like it is going to be busy busy as usual.
  6. Bring on Spring!!!

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