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Early Day

Early Day...

March 15, 2002

I am leaving work today early, although I am not exactly sure what time, since I haven't talked to my mom yet. I guess I should find that out, since I am trying to finish my work, and it would be good to know how long I have to do all this stuff, lol. We have an exam on Monday morning, and I am waiting for Jake to look it over so I can finalize it and get it copied. Luckily it's for the smaller class, and it's less questions, so it shouldn't take me too long at all to do that. I can get it all done, hehe, I hope. I know, I know, why am I writing in here if I have a million things to do? Well, I am in between things, waiting on them to give it all back to me. They all seem to do it all at the same time.. so I have super busy moments and then moments of nothing... wish I could even that out sometimes.

I have a pretty busy weekend planned. Okay, a very busy one. Sometimes I like when they are busy, other times I feel overwhelmed. So far, I don't feel too overwhelmed, so that's a good thing. I was running around like a chicken this morning though, making sure I had everything I needed for tomorrow, to take with me to my mom's today. That is the one bad thing about doing something right from work, instead of going home first. Yah yah, I could have packed last night... but I just didn't feel like it. My own fault, lol.

It feels weird not going over to the gym today, but I know I will get a good workout in with mom. She also has some pretty neat work out machines at her house, so I can do some of those as well.

I am looking forward to the party tomorrow too. I really do like family stuff, and it's fun to see all the kids too. We stopped by Gerald and Michelle's last night for a little bit and got to spend a few minutes with the kids. That was nice. I am telling you, I am going to make more of an effor to do so from now on. I really am... I need to get my bike fixed, so I can ride. I really want to do that.

Daily Tidbits

  1. It is cooler out today, pout. I was loving the warm weather yesteday. Figures that it cools down for the weekend. That never fails.
  2. I am going to have some races with the kids tomorrow at the party. I was thinking about it and how much fun they had doing that at my house last time. Delores and John have a huge yard, I could have them doing tons of fun stuff.
  3. Almost time to go homeeee... well maybe, I still don't know when I am leaving. But I am so looking forward to a nice afternoon with my mom.
  4. I get to pick up Chrissy and June tomorrow for the night, and the Wolves game on Sunday. I could have gotten them tonight, but we can't fit them in the car to Wisconsin. We have to drive Stephen's parents and Dee (family friend). The girls are bummed, but what else can I do.
  5. Okay, they just piled work on my desk, I knew it was coming, and I am glad it did.. I wanna be done so I can leave, hehe. Have a great weekend!

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