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Not Gonna Take it Anymore
03-17-2004, 9:53 p.m.

Today has been such an *ugh* day. I am so glad that it is over, that is for certain. Well it didn�t end so bad, but it surely was icky all day long. I was in such a crabby mood this morning, although I am not really sure why, but I am sure that it made what happened next that much worse.

My boss asked me to take care of something yesterday. One of our faculty had a broken printer, and he had sent my boss an email requesting a replacement� so it got handed off to me to take care of, which IS my job, so no biggie. I took care of it. Well, when I went to inform said faculty member, he didn�t even let me finish my sentence, and instead went off on me, for reasons I cannot even begin to understand. Blame it on a bad mood of his own, or on the fact that he is known for his temper, but plain and simple, it was totally out of line. He was yelling at me, I mean really yelling, and about something that wasn�t even about me. Finally I got fed up and started yelling back. I told him� My own husband doesn�t even talk to me this way, I will be damned if I am going to sit here and let you do it. I was so pissed. I was shaking and ready to cry. I hate conflict to begin with, but it�s even worse when you feel like there is nothing you can do about it. But this time, I totally stood up for myself, and that felt really really good. He backed down, and he spent the whole day apologizing, but I still told my boss about it, who then talked to him about it. It was ridiculous but it really put a horrible damper on my WHOLE day. The only good thing is that I've really been standing up for myself a lot lately, and while I don't like that I HAVE to, at least I AM, I guess.

Since I�ve gotten home, it�s been much better. Stephen rented Mona Lisa Smile for us tonight, so we watched that, and then watched Survivor. It was good to have some downtime without even thinking. I am glad this day is over though. Tomorrow has to be much better.

Oh, and Happy St. Patrick�s Day!!! Luck of the Irish to you.

You are Marcie!

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