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Birthdays and Babies
03-18-2004, 8:31 p.m.

Today is my little brother�s 31st birthday. That doesn�t sound so little though, hehe. Shhh, I can always think of him as little. Happy Birthday Scotty. I love you� always have, and always will.

Today was a much better day at work� thankfully. I don�t think that I could have put up with a day like yesterday, but that is neither here nor there. I did have one scary moment, when yesterday�s faculty member called and asked if I could come down to his office for a moment. I know that my boss *talked* to him last night about the situation, so I thought that he was going to voice his displeasure at me going over his head. Instead, when I got down there, he surprised me with a box of imported candies. Hmmm, never saw that coming. Along with that, he spent yet another day apologizing over and over. Finally I told him to stop, that I have already forgotten it, and I have. It�s over and done, with no lasting effects. I could not ask for anything better. The thing that worried me most of all was that it might cause some friction between us, and seeing that it was not going to happen that way really was a huge relief.

Tonight we went to my in-laws for a St. Patty�s Day dinner. We usually go there on St. Patty�s Day but she invited everyone over tonight instead. It was so nice, and oh so yummy. We had smoked butt and cabbage as well as some corned beef. I even stopped on my way there and I got some desserts to take over, from our favorite bakery. It was a wonderful meal, with wonderful company.

When I got there, my BIL and SIL shared with me some exciting news. They are expecting another child. I am happy for them, for the most part, but I do think that their timing leaves something to be desired. They are the ones that are living with my MIL and FIL, with their little girl. I just don�t see how they can bring another child into that situation, but I guess that it is not for me to judge. I am so excited for them though, and I know that it�s another niece/nephew for us to love. I guess if I was being truthful, I would have to admit that it is the timing of the year that really got to me. A couple of years ago, when we were expecting our own little one, it was St. Patty�s Day when we told everyone, and we had such a wonderful dinner with them all, and so I can�t help but think about that at this time of the year. It was such a short-lived joy for us, but it does come with a few happy memories, and that was one of them. For one shining moment, all was right with the world.

Tomorrow we are going to a Friday night crop. I am really looking forward to that very much. Cory and I invited Tonny and Erica to go with us, and it�s going to be such a great time. We are all pretty excited about it. I am even already all packed, which is a lot different from the last one when I was scrambling, hehe. I probably still forgot a million things, but I am sure that I have enough to get plenty done. At least I hope I will get plenty done, I kinda know differently, we are going to spend so much time talking and laughing instead.

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