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How Will I...

How Will I...

March 20, 2001

How will I make it thru the memorial service for Ven on Friday without crying? How will I get in front of all those people and share my favorite memories of him? How will I know which favorite memories to share? Stephen thinks that it will all just feel right. He said that it would be harder to live with my regret if I didn't talk than it would be to get over my nervousness. He is right, of course...I just don't know how I will do this. We got the notice yesterday that the memorial service will be this Friday, and that Ven's wife and children, as well as some family friends will also be present. I had hoped that they would be there, I only hope that in sharing some of the good memories, I can help to ease some of the bad for them. As sad as I am over his death, I am sure that it doesn't even touch what they are feeling. It's all about perspective, I suppose.

I shopped last night for a new dress for the memorial. I got a really nice one, that I think is pretty appropriate for the occasion. It is grey, and is a business type dress. I have to admit that I got pretty excited when I bought it. Why? Because it is a size smaller than I usually buy. Maybe I am not just imagining that I am losing weight afterall. Actually, recently, I've had quite a few people ask if I have been, so maybe it is a little noticable. Who knows, maybe the dress just ran big, LOL.

I can't believe how busy it's been this week and it's only Tuesday. I've really felt like I haven't been on top of things these past 2 days. We had 2 exams this week, which always makes my week a little more busier, but on top of that, Walt and Celeste are attending meetings in San Francisco next week. Which means that we have to have 2 posters ready for them to take, as well as slides for the talk that Walt is giving on his research. Lots of work, and it doesn't help that they waited until the last minute to start this stuff. Actually, I understand that part of it, they have been doing experiments up to the last minute to get new information for the posters... but man..The best part of it all though, is that with these meetings next week, and some other meetings the following week, most of my department will be coming and going, and things should be pretty slow around here. So if I can just get thru the rest of this busy week, time to relax and catch up is just right around the corner....How will I make it?

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