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The Jetsons

The Jetsons...

March 21, 2001

Do you remember watching the jetsons when you were a kid, and thinking how neat it was that they could see each other on their phones? Video phones... something that seemed so far away. The past few evenings, Jen and I have been talking to each other using net meeting, and our webcams. Mind you, the connections are not that great, and what we say is on a 30 second delay, but, we can see each other, and hear each other, and it's awesome! It took us a while to get it working right, but now that we've figured it out for the most part, we are having a blast playing around with it. Last night we even pulled Tonya into our madness. Net meeting has this chalkboard type of feature, and you can draw and write to each other, and everyone involved can see what you are doing, and participate in it. Let's just say that we were drawing pictures of clowns and butterflies last night. It was funny and silly and I had such a great time. So what time are we meeting tonight girls? giggle!

Another thing that I spent some time doing last night was scanning some pictures. I scanned about 40 pictures last night, and that was just from two occasions. One being a BBQ at Cory's house (BBQ Pictures) that she hosted when our friend Leslie was in visiting from Colorado, and the second was pictures from when Jen was here visiting me in October. We had gone to a candlelight bowl which was a fund raiser for my nephew's football team (Bowling Pictures) . We had a blast, especially when they had crazy bowl... it was so neat. I love pictures, and have been having so much fun with all the recent developing I've done. I think that I shall scan some more tonight even. I even made a movie of our bowling debut (Bowling Movie).

I was just about to write that work has finally calmed down a little, but I guess I thunk it too soon, because no sooner than I typed it, that Walt came and plopped down a whole new pile to get thru. Oh well, it was nice for a moment... Off to work I go... Hi Ho Hi Ho...

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