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Old Friends
03-22-2001, 01:24 p.m.

Old Friends...

March 22, 2001

I am having dinner tonight with an old friend. Only I am not sure if I am really looking forward to it or not. Sharlene and I grew up together, we have been friends since I was about 4 years old and we moved into a house right across the street from them. She is a year younger than me, but it didn't keep us from hanging out together as we grew up. I have lots of happy memories of my childhood, and Sharlene is a big part of many of them (barbie dolls, playing house, sleep-overs, climbing trees, boys, clothes, outings, you name it) but somewhere along the line, we just stopped talking as often. I don't even know her husband very well, I think I only met him once and that was as Sherry's wedding in August, so I really didn't have time to get to know him. I wouldn't know who he was if he was standing in front of me. She does know Stephen, but only from when Stephen and I were first dating, and we went thru this period where we hung out together for a while. She even went on a few dates with a friend of Stephen's.. but that was all years ago, and they don't really know each other now. Heck, I don't really even know her now.

Over the years, we've exchanged yearly christmas cards full of promises to get together and keep in touch, none of which we've kept. However, with Sherry's wedding last year and with me being the matron of honor, I had reasons to talk to her. We were both friends with Sherry growing up, and although they were never what you would call close, Sherry's and Sharlene's fathers are best friends, so her family was invited to the wedding. She wasn't able to come to Sherry's shower, although her mom did... but she did go to the bachelorette party, and it was really nice to see her, although we didn't really spend much time talking or anything... more like gawking, giggle. Then, like I said, at the wedding I was busy with my matron of honor duties and didn't get a chance to talk to much of anyone.

She invited me to a few parties last year, but each one seemed to fall during critical times in my TTC cycles, and I couldn't make them. I invited her and her mom to my pampered chef party in February, and they did come... but then again, I was pretty busy with everyone being over, so it didn't lead to much talking. It was nice to see her though...So that brings us to dinner tonight. We played phone tag for a while when I called her to tell her that her pampered chef products were in, but we finally got a hold of each other, and we arranged to have dinner tonight. So why am I not sure about being excited or not? Easy... I don't really know her anymore... our lives are so different now. And talking about things that you did as a child only can take you so far. Maybe we are just so totally different now. Who knows, I guess it could be a wonderful time.. I just hope that we have stuff in common. That sounds so strange to me.. how can someone be so much a part of your life for so long, only to become a stranger later? Something to ponder...

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