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Fragile as Glass

Fragile as Glass...

March 23, 2001

Today is the Memorial service for Ven. It's not until this afternoon, but it's been on my mind all morning... okay all night.. okay all week. I have written out what I plan on saying, but in trying to read it to Stephen, I usually end up in tears and stumble over the words. He seems to think that it will all come together when it is time, and that it will come out alright. I can only hope that this is the case. Somehow I don't see me making it thru this without tears though. They have asked me to participate in the Choir as well, something that I am still undecided about, guess I better make up my mind, the practice is in a few hours. I guess it would give me something to do besides worrying about what I was going to say, but on the other side, it would be hard to concentrate on singing as I am crying, hehe.. see the problem here? I feel as fragile as glass today.

Speaking of glass, last night wasn't the greatest of nights either. Stephen had ran to the video store to run a movie back, and I got ready to go meet Sharlene for dinner. I left before he got home, but realized that I had forgotten the pampered chef stuff that she had ordered as I got half way to the restaurant. Luckily I had left early and I had enough time to run back home. However, I almost wish that I hadn't. Stephen had gotten back by then, well at least most of him... he left part of a window behind! The rest of it was on the floor of the car. Okay, let me say, the video store he goes to is not in the greatest of neighborhoods.. in fact, he won't even let me go there with him, ever. For good reason, I guess. He only goes there himself, because they have wrestling pay per view tapes so quickly after the PPV aired. Needless to say, it wasn't worth what happened. While he was in the store, someone busted out the passenger side window to steal his leather jacket that was on the front seat. Thankfully, he had removed his wallet from his jacket, but not his work keys. Unfortunately, when we lose work keys, we have to pay for new ones... at 75 bucks a key, and 150 for our fobs (the fobs are to let us into the building after hours). They also went thru our glove compartment and stuff, but there was nothing in there to take really, so all they got away with was a leather jacket, work keys and my peace of mind.

We filled out a police report, and called to find out how much it will cost to replace the window. They estimate it at around 110.00. Not so bad, but I could think of better things to spend it on. We also talked to security here and work, and they said that since we have a police report, they might be able to let us go on the cost of the new keys... afterall, its not like we lost them.... She has to talk to administration first, but is hopeful that we will not be charged... so all in all, this might cost us a little over 100 bucks... could be worse... could have been better. Such is life... glass is fragile!

To end on a good note however, I did have a most wonderful dinner with Sharlene. It was not ackward at all, we were there for 2 hours, and never ran out of things to talk about. We are going to try harder to get together more often, and have a date set for the girls to go out dancing in May. Now to convince Sherry... hehe. The restaurant we went to was really good too, I can't believe I've never been there, as it's not too far from my house. I told Stephen that we HAVE to go there sometime...and maybe we can talk Jim and Cory into dinner there one night, hehe. Oh Corrryyyyy.....

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