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A Day With Family
03-22-2003, 10:19 p.m.

Ugh, I had a whole entry written, and then my computer locked up and I lost it. I didn't even feel like writing it to being with, and I feel like writing even less now. Why is it that when you feel the least like writing, that is when you run into the most problems? It's the way of life I guess.

We had a really nice day, but I am so exhausted and so ready to go to bed. We got up early and ran to get the oil changed in my car, and a car wash. Then we came home to make breakfast together, and cleaned up the house a little before we had to head out to pick up Stephen's parents and Kevin for the ride to Wisconsin. The ride was nice, especially getting to spend time talking with Kevin. I don't get quite enough time to do that. We were asking him what he wants to be when he grows up and stuff like that and I was suprised (and proud of him) for a lot of his answers. He is a good kid, we are pretty lucky, because all of our neices and nephews are good kids for the most part.

We had a great time at the party. It was really nice, just spending the day hanging out with family, and it was a nice break, getting away from war news. While we talked about it sporadically, we really talked about a lot of other things, and so it was a nice break from the news that is always so hard to hear. The guys mostly watched basketball all day and the woman sat around talking about this and that. I did go outside to play with the kids several times too, as well as to get lots of pictures. I had the most fun though playing with Katelyn and Kathleen. They are both so adorable and at such fun ages.

I can't believe that Katelyn is going to be 1 in 2 days, and it was fun watching her open her gifts, and watching her dig into her cake. She was so cute, and I got some great pictures. The boys enjoyed their party too, and they all loved their gifts a lot.

We didn't have to drive anyone home, so we stopped and visited with my parents for an hour or so on the way home. That was really nice, and they were so glad that we stopped over. We had a great time over there as well, and I got to go shopping in my mommy's closet, hehe. She was showing me some new clothes that she bought last weekend, and then she kept giving me some of her other clothes, some really nice stuff too. I can't wait to try it all on and put it a way. I guess that tomorrow I will be going thru my own clothes and getting rid of stuff that I don't wear anymore. Man, I love clothes.. I have to admit that is one thing that I am a little addicted to. Good thing that my mom is too, and she often gives me tons of clothes, so I get lots of new stuff that way and it doesn't cost anything. I like that, hehe. So it was fun going home with my arms full, but mostly, it was fun just sitting with my parents and visiting. I love them so much, and I love spending time with them. We would have stayed longer, but it had been a long day and Stephen and I were both tired and also anxious to get home to our kitties.

Stephen and I listened to the wolves game on the way home, and we were laughing because we barely said 2 words to each other all the way home. If you didn't know better you would have thought we were fighting, but in actuality we were both really into the game.

Now we are going to go lay in bed, and read until we fall asleep. Hmmm, sounds like a good plan to me. I am going to go to Stephen's basketbnall game with him tomorrow, but other than that, I am really looking forward to doing nothing... sometimes doing nothing is just so wonderful.

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