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Rain Rain, Go Away...
03-25-2004, 7:59 p.m.

One of the reasons that I enjoy working out in the mornings is that it is mostly the same people who are there morning after morning, and they start to recognize you and say good morning and all of that. It�s a good feeling, and it makes it a pleasant experience. I am loving having Tonya and Dee to workout with as well, and that really helps to keep me motivated.

There are these 3 older ladies who workout every morning, and they come about 6:30 or so. They try to get on treadmills next to each other, and the spend their hour talking about anything you can imagine. It�s cute, and often times I find myself offering my treadmill (moving to another) to help them find 3 in a row. They are so sweet about it, so you can�t help but feel good about doing so. Well this morning, it was no exception, and I told one of them (they already had the 2 next to me) that if she could wait 2 minutes, she could have the one I was on. She was so happy and stood there talking to me. Well, we started talking about how important it is to stay active, and she said something about her age. My mouth must have hit the floor when she said that she is 77. I swear to you, this lady does not look older than 50. I told her that too and she laughed and told me that she has a daughter who is 54. I really am not kidding here, it was such a shock. I really hope that when I am 77 that I look that great, but more than that, I hope that I am as active as she is. She is amazing! I totally respect that. She said that she has been walking an hour a day for 27 years now� really shows how important it is to stay active.

My boss came back today, he had been at a meeting all week out of town. With him gone, I really was able to catch up on so much stuff, so I asked him if he would mind if I took tomorrow off. He asked if our exam for Monday was done, and was shocked to hear that it was done, and ready to go. Usually we are scrambling to get it finished on Friday, hehe. He said he totally didn�t mind though, and I am excited about that. It worked out so well, and I will really enjoy getting to spend this day with June (who is still here on her Spring break). If it isn�t raining (I so hope that it isn�t) we are planning on going to the Zoo. It is supposed to be really warm out (well okay, relatively speaking that is), and a day at the zoo is one of our favorite things to do. June is so excited about going, so I am really hoping that it isn�t raining� or that if it is, it is a light rain. I wouldn�t mind going in that, as there is so much to do indoors anyway. It will be fun, and if it is raining a little, it won�t be at all crowded which is a plus too.

June loves animals SO much, and so this is really something she loves doing. Although we didn�t get one the past 2 years, for most of her childhood we have gotten season passes to the zoo, and we are thinking about getting one for this year too. She is growing up so fast, and I just really want to enjoy doing these things with her while she still wants to do them. I learned that lesson with Chrissy, hehe. I do feel like we did so much with her while we had the chance, but what I learned is that it doesn�t last forever� they do grow up. I wish that we could change that, but I guess there is no chance of that.

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