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A Range of Things

A Range of Things...

March 27, 2002

I have lots that I wanted to write about in here today, so hmmm, where do I start, giggle. Today is my nephew Jonathon's birthday. He is 7. Yay Jonathon! I can't believe he is 7.. I still remember when he was born.. I can't believe he has a brother and 2 sisters now either.. kids kids kids...everywhere. Speaking of neices and nephews.. I have another on the way.. well 2 actually, but one that I didn't know about until this morning. Seems my brother is having another baby.. well not my brother by himself, lol.. his woman. Brian's mom. So Brian is going to have another brother or sister. He has a half sister too, Sarah... I have mixed feelings on this one. They are supposedly getting married, once his divorce is final.. but I dunno.. they've only been back together a few months.. it just seems so fast. I guess if they are happy, then I am happy for them. Maybe I am just so tired of it always being everyone else, and never me. It's even worse when it is my family.. cause I feel like the only one in my own family having problems.. if that makes any sense. So another little one.. due in November. I know that no matter what, I will love him/her... that's what counts.

So yesterday was a nice day. I left work a little bit early and headed out to meet Cory at her house. I got there a few minutes before she got home from work, and then we headed out to Lake Geneva to see Jen. They were staying at a nice indoor water park hotel.. so we got to swim and swim and play and go down the water slides and swim. We even went outside to swim, hehe.. it was freezing out, but the water was way hot.. what a contrast that was.. it actually felt very neat. It was a cool experience. It was a lot of fun, the whole night, and I enjoyed myself very much. I am so glad that Cory talked me into going with her, and although I was sooooo tired when I got home, and even though it was pretty late.. it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, and I don't regret it at all.

The slides were neat, and it was fun there, but I really don't think I would pay that much money to go there again. I think you get a lot more for your money in the Dells. I have been dying to see this place though, so I am glad that I got to. It was perfect for Jen's kids.. they are not a huge fan of the slides and stuff, but my girls love them... so the Dells where there are tons more slides and pools and stuff is better for us. Not that this place wasn't cool, cause it was.. .I guess I am just spoiled, lol.

Tonight, Stephen and I are going to the Wolves game. We have pretty awesome seats too, thanks to my mom. She won these tickets at work, and gave them to us, since we would appreciate them more than anyone else. Well duh! Giggle. They are really great seats... center ice behind the players bench.. I'll take it. The only bummer of the day is that Altanta called up 3 more players today, including one of my favorites, sigh. I am really starting to hate this affiliation stuff. I could go on and on about this, and I have most of the day with anyone who would listen.. but I just don't want to work myself up over it again. The funny part was, when I was the most worked up that is when my wolves ticket rep called to check on me and see if I was happy and needed anything. Boy did he get an earful...and about stuff he can't even control. It was rather amusing.. at least he was able to see the amusement in it, or else he wouldn't be calling me again, giggle. I guess I am going to quit thinking about things that I can't change and just enjoy the game tonight. If they win, they will clinch their playoff berth, so that is a good thing, right? See I can think positively.

Daily Tidbits

  1. I only did 20 minutes today on the elliptical. After doing 30 the past 2 days in a row, you would think 20 seemed easy right? Hell no.. it sucked, lol. I did 30 on the treadmill too, so I am consistently staying at 50 minutes lately. That's good.
  2. I also have been going over 3 miles a day the past week or so.. my high was yesterday at 3.60.. wow, that felt good. I really do feel very good about my workouts.. now I would like to see some more results. Oh yah, stay away from all that food and you will.. damn, why does it have to be both ways? LOL
  3. I cannot believe that Tonya is going to be here in a few days. That really just seems so unreal.. giggle. I am so very excited. We changed some things on the schedule today, and it really seems perfect now... can you tell I got my way? LOL, just kidding. I really am excited about our schedule though, and I just know that we are going to have a great week. Bring it on...

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