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That Could Never Happen

That Could Never Happen...

March 28, 2001

That could never happen to me. How many times have you heard people say that, or how many times have you thought it yourself. I think that we tend to take things for granted at times. I know someone who found out that her husband cheated, and she has left him, and is talking divorce now... a few weeks ago, she would have said, that could never happen. My BIL Kevin and his wife Tracy got divorced a few years back. They have 3 wonderful children together, and really believed that they would be together until the end, but it just wasn't meant to be. Now Kevin will be re-married to Nicky in a few months. The situations are different, and there are millions of variations on it out there, but the hurt is always the same. It hurts when something ends that you thought would be forever. I think that Stephen and I will make it, but how do I know for sure? We never know what the future holds. That could never happen to me...I have heard so many people say that about so many things. Heck, I used to think that about Infertility... it's something that happens to other people, not me, I want kids too much. As if that is how you get them. It's such a shame, but it slaps you in the face when something unexpected happened. I hope that many of you never know... but those of you that do, my heart goes out to you. Boy does it.

We can't spend out lives worried about what might happen, what could happen, but when you allow yourself to think of the possibilities, it is down-right scary.


One more day of work, and then I get a nice 3 day weekend... woo hoo, I need it. This week has been so busy, and I didn't expect it to be. I admit that it is busy in different ways than normal though, and in a way it's been nice, because it is the kind of things that I really enjoy doing. For example, I've been drawing figures for slides for Mike and Alex's meetings next week. And then there is Jake, another professor in my department. He is running for the school board at the school his children attend. I am creating a website for him, as well as flyers and all that fun stuff. And it is fun, but boy is it time consuming. Well back to the drawing board...literally...

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