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Soprano's and Dinner
03-28-2004, 9:23 p.m.

It has been really nice, weather-wise, the past few days, at least during the day. It�s been chilly at night, but I have to admit that these are my favorite days, weather wise. Nice warm days, and chilly nights. I love to be cold when I am going to sleep. I sleep with the windows open and the fan on, and get all cuddled up under the comforter, and I just fall right to sleep. Mmmm, sounds like a good plan, I should go do that right now�

June went home tonight, just a few minutes ago in fact, and I miss her already, very much. However, in a way, but just a very small way, it is a little nice to be back to normal. I would love for her to be here always, but the quiet can be okay too sometimes. Only for a few minutes though, and then I want her back.

She and I went for a walk together this afternoon, and that was a lot of fun. I love walking with her, because she tells me the cutest stories and all that. Ever really listen to a 10 year old talk? They are amazing little creatures sometimes.

Sherry and Chuck came for the Soprano�s and dinner. We had manicotti and a nice salad, with strawberry shortcake for dinner.. yum, yum, yum! Love the soprano�s dinners, and heck, I even like watching the show too. Only I made a bet with Stephen about something that happened in a previous episode and lost, ugh� now I have to do dished AND laundry all week, eek. I need to be more sure before I make bets like that, giggle. Okay, dishes, and THEN bed under the nice comfy comforter and clean sheets. I can handle that.

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