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Off and Running

Off and Running...

March 30, 2001

It is so nice to have today off. It's been a nice lazy morning so far. Chrissy is still sleeping, and June is watching cartoons so I came online to send a few emails to Kristen and to chat with Cory and Jen. Jen wasn't around, but Cory was, hehe, and we had a nice conversation. I always miss talking to them when I am off of if they are off for the day. Anyway, it's been a nice morning.

I need to go get ready though. We are going to go to the Zoo for a few hours. Last year we bought a membership for a year, and We have loved it. It's so nice, because you can go for a few hours and not feel like you have to stay for the whole day in order to get your money's worth. I have loved having this, and I am seriously considering renewing it when it expires at the end of May. It is well worth the money and gives us something to do all year long. Plus the girls really love going to the zoo and have been begging to go for the past few weeks, so they are really looking forward to going today. Now if Chrissy would wake up, LOL

Tonight we have tickets for the Wolves game. I am really looking forward to that myself. I love going to the wolves games, and it's towards the end of the season, so might as well get a few in while we can. Plus, they've been sending me great offers for great prices for tickets and stuff. We got all 4 tickets tonight for 30 bucks, and they were orginally 17 dollar seats, so that is a great deal. I can't wait, it's going to be fun.

We have so much planned for this weekend, but that's okay, cause I like having lots of fun stuff to do. Stephen, on the other hand, would prefer one thing and then have the rest of the weekend to relax. Oh well, sometimes it just doesn't work out that way...

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