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Big Bad Bug
03-30-2004, 8:24 p.m.

I so did not want to get up this morning to go to the gym! Some mornings are so easy, and I just pop right out of bed, but other mornings I struggle to get out of bed. Still, I got up and I got there, and I am glad that I did. As hard as it is to get up early in the morning, I really do enjoy getting it over with in the morning, and I know that I said it before, but the people in the mornings are just so much nicer.

A cute story from today which proves this. There was a HUGE bug in the locker room. Well, a lot of the ladies were being squeamish about it, and told Cheryl (the lady who works in the mornings), and Cheryl tried to spray it with� of all things� disinfectant�. Giggle. Well, this might have stunned it but it certainly didn�t kill it, so she (she is scared of bugs) announced over the intercom that there was a huge bug, and would someone who is not afraid of them be willing to come and pick it up with a tissue. We were all cracking up on our machines, and everyone was talking at once, yelling out suggestions, making jokes. It reminded me of an episode of the Waltons�or something. It was a weird moment, but it was good for a laugh. Finally someone took care of the bug, and then Cheryl again announced over the intercom that the big bad bug was gone� (Ding Dong the bug is dead, which old bug? The big bad bug� giggle). It really made my day, but I guess you had to be there.

The rest of my day has been pretty nice as well. Jen came out for lunch, and we got to go shopping as well for a little while. They bought a new bed, so she was looking for sheets and the such, and since Bed, Bath and Beyond is right there (and one of my favorite stores) we headed over there. That was fun, and she got some really pretty sheets. I want a new bedroom set so bad� hehe, one of these days. Afterwards we went to Portillo�s for lunch which was oh so yummy. Then it was back to work.

Now tonight I am working on some FS stuff and getting ready for a meeting that I have tomorrow, and then it is bed time. Sometimes with having to get up so early, this is my favorite time of the night, hehe.

We did get good news tonight too. My MIL went for her yearly check up. She has to be checked every year since she had cancer several years ago, and for some reason this year she has been really worried about it. Luckily everything is fine, and she came back clean, so we are all relieved. Thank God for that, I really am happy. I wasn�t worried too much, but the fact that she was so worried was making me wonder. I am just glad that she is okay.

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