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Happy Birthday Jen
07-25-2004, 7:57 p.m.

Happy Birthday Jen! I hope that you are having a wonderful time there in Virginia with your family, and I look forward to having you back home. I do miss you. I am so glad, however, that you have this opportunity to spend with your family. I know how much that means to you and I am sure that you are treasuring every moment of it.

It's been a very quiet lazy weekend for us, which has been oh so wonderful. I don't think that I've barely left the house at all (oh, except this morning when Tonya and I went shopping for a little while). I really have gotten a lot of scrapping done, and reading, and relaxing... it's been nice. Back to work tomorrow, yuck, lol.

Last week we had horrible storms and one night we were without power for the whole night, that sucked. We made the most of it though, and went out for a nice dinner (we were in the middle of cooking dinner when the power went out, hehe), and then just hung around laughing, especially when Tonya ran to get her charger so that her phone wouldn't ruin out of power in the middle of the night (we were using it as an alarm clock for work the next morning). We cracked up when we realized she was seriously going to plug it in, duh. It was cute.

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