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Short Hair
07-20-2004, 8:26 p.m.

So the other night we went to get our hair cut, as I said we were going to do. All the way there, I struggled with what I wanted to do. I just was so not sure. On one hand, it is good to try new things, but on the other, I�ve not had really short hair since I was a child. I have to say though, I�ve gradually been getting there� kind of a big change from the long hair I used to have. I decided to be brave though, and I told her to have at it.

Have at it she did, I was shocked when it was all said and done� or gone I should say. I�ve not had hair this short since I can remember, and I told myself that I loved it, but I�ve really been unsure. It�s starting to grow on me though, and once it grows out just a little bit (mostly my bangs), I am sure that I will love it. Actually though, I�ve gotten a lot of compliments, so I guess it�s not so bad. It does take some getting used to� although my neck is cold a lot, hehe.

Here is a picture from Saturday evening�

Tomorrow we are going to SF for Coasters after dark. We are meeting up with my mom and sister, and maybe (hopefully) Chuck. I think we are going to meet up with Cory first too� should be fun, except that it does not end until after midnight� we won�t get home until after 1 in the morning. Going to be very very tired on Thursday.

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