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April Fools

April Fools...

April 01, 2001

Well, this will be my last entry, since I have decided not to keep a journal anymore... giggle.. April Fools!

Man, I have to say that this is not my favorite day of the year. I am not very good at practical jokes myself, and I ALWAYS fall for them, so it's not much of a fun day in my opinion, giggle. I always think of things I could have done, after the fact of course, but I always forget when it really counts.

We went to Wisonsin yesterday for our newphew's birthday parties. Jonathons 6th, and Matthews 2nd. It was a great time. Especially when Sarah brought out her *new bunny* to show everyone . She loves it, and I love that she loves it. Ohhhh, everyone loved the pictures that I brought for them, hehe. It was a wonderful day. We drove Stephen's parents, and his mom sat up front with me, with Stephen, dad and the girls in the back. Mom and I had nice conversations, and it was a pleasant drive. Even the girls were great, not acting up at all.

Today we are going to the Rodeo. Oh yay. Actually, I guess it could be fun, and I was looking forward to it at first, until my mom reminded me of the time we went when I was a kid... there was a freak accident and a horse broke his neck and died right there. I had nightmares for months, and really was pretty upset about the whole thing. Funny that I totally forgot about that until she reminded me. Hopefully though, it will be fun today. June loves horses, so she is looking forward to going.

After the Rodeo, we are going out to Cory and Jim's house for dinner and to watch the Sopranos. I told Stephen that it should be interesting to see how Cory and Stephen react to this, them both being huge Soprano's fans... I can't wait to see them talking about what happens...giggle. Man, this has been such a busy busy weekend, I just know I am going to be exhausted at work tomorrow. I am so *off* right now, having lost an hour sleep. This daylight savings time really throws my system off for a few weeks. Oh well, it's all been fun....

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