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Daylight Savings Time?

Daylight Savings Time...

April 02, 2001

What is the dang purpose of this? I mean, I am glad that it stays lighter out later and stuff, but man, I am messed up for days after the time changes. I just feel so dang tired, and I hate feeling that way. I even came home from work tonight and took a nap, something that I had absolutely no intention of doing. I have to say that I blame Stephen for that one, hehe.. I was on the computer, reading email (which I finally caught up with, woo hoo), and he said, honey, come cuddle with me for a few minutes. We hadn't seen much of each other today, and he was missing me, awww... we cuddled for a little while, and he got up to leave (he went with his brother to a friend's house to watch the basketball gmae), and before he even walked out the door, I was fast asleep. Oops, hope I can sleep tonight now. I am telling you, it's hard to get back on track when your body gets all messed up!

So we had a wonderful time at Cory and Jim's last night. I thought that we would be exhausted from being on the run the whole weekend, and in a way, we were, but it was also nice to just hang out with friends. Cory made her gravy, which was awesome, as usual. I loved it, and I loved the salad she made too, yummy! We ate good, hehe. After we ate, we just hung out and talked and then we watched the Sopranos. I didn't think it was that great of an episode though, but Stephen says that they have to have set up episodes sometimes too... whatever, LOL. After the show was over, we left pretty quickly, but I knew that it would take us over an hour to get home and I was so tired already. I wish that we lived closer, then we could hang out more. Stephen drove home and he said that I could go to sleep in the car if I wanted, but I stayed up and talked to him instead. For some reason, when we are together, the ride doesn't seem as long as it does when I am alone. We got home about 10:30 and went to bed pretty much shortly after. Wow, what a crazy weekend, but it was lots of fun.

I had forgotten that my boss would be gone out of the office today, so that was a nice surprise. I had lots of work that I could have done, but I didn't get so much of it done, since I have tomorrow to do it as well. Instead, I took the time to catch up on my 500 + emails. Jen said I should have just deleted them and started over, and in a way she was right, but I am always so afraid that someone might need help that I could have given in some way, and so I made my way thru them all, and right now I have an empty email box, woo hoo. It's a good thing. Of course tomorrow I have to catch up on all this work now, hehe, but sometimes it's just worth it to feel ahead of the game a little...

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