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If Only

If Only...

April 02, 2002

If only I were a mean person, there is so much that I would love to say to so many people. Things that just eat away at me, things that I would love to get off of my chest.. but I am not a mean person, and instead I care about people's feelings, and I work towards fixing things, rather than tearing things down. Still every so often you come to the point where things can't be fixed, and you have no choice but to walk away.. because since I am not a mean person, I would rather walk away than tear something down, even if it leaves me looking like the one who was wrong in the long run. I figure that eventually it all comes to light and people realize that maybe you were not the bad guy after all.

If only there were more hours in the day, I wouldn't be so tired right now, cause I could have gotten more sleep last night, giggle. Not that I am complaining mind you.. as long as everyone else excuse's my yawns. Last night was the players party for the kids for the Skates Mates Kids Club. How awesome was that? The girls loved it and are already planning out how they want to go next year, hehe. I think that I had just as much fun as they did though, okay, I know I did. Getting to tour the locker room was just wild (although a little stinky - yuck).. and taking pictures on the Zamboni was too cool... But the best part, was getting more pictures with more players and getting some of the pictures that I already have signed. It was cool, and I enjoyed it oh so much. I am glad that Jen and Tonya got to go too.. even if Jen's kids didn't like it too much. Still, I am glad that they were there.

If only my mom wasn't so busy, she would be having dinner with us tonight... but instead she is working late and not going to meet up with us, pout. Cory even called her to tell her how much we wanted her to come, giggle. I think she liked that.. who knows, maybe she will surprise us and show up. She knows where we are going. We are going to PF Changs tonight, yum... I have been dreaming of lettuce wraps all day long... oh my. This is the first time ever that I have gone out to eat at a nice place with Jen, Tonya and Cory... I mean all four of us at once. I am really looking forward to tonight, the good food and the good company. This is the first time since she got here that Cory get's to spend any time with Tonya.. so I know that they are both looking forward to that.

If only I was in more shape, doing 40 minutes on the elliptical would seem like a breeze, but it didn't.. in fact, I thought that I could have laid down and died right then and there as I stepped off the machine. Still, my pride in myself for having done 40 minutes was just huge.. and I am so glad that I did. Wow... that was just awesome. Of course after 40 minutes on there, my legs were like rubber bands, and there was no way I was able to get on the treadmill, so that's all I did... I am not disappointed though, I remember when 8 minutes on the elliptical kicked my ass.. 40 is just like wow.

Daily Tidbits

  1. Gerald and Michelle and the kids came to the party last night, and they said that they had a great time. I was glad that we finally ran into them, even if it was at the end of the night. It was cute.. out of nowhere I hear, Hi Aunt Vicki.. lol, turned around and there was Amy and Timmy. Amy was so excited to tell us all about her conversation with Skates, giggle. She loves Skates like I do.. okay maybe not as much as I do, but then again, who does, lol.
  2. One more day of work this week and then I have a 4 day weekend. WOO HOO!!! I am sooooooooo excited, although I haven't wanted it to come too quickly because that means that it's closer to the time that Tonya leaves, and I am nowhere near ready for that. We have on our schedule that we are going to kidnap her on Saturday, rather than take her to the airport... if I didn't think it would kill Maddy and Rachel.. I would do it, lol... then again, we can always kidnap them too.. then only Mike loses out.
  3. I just keep thinking about lettuce wraps.. hehe... yum. Jen and Tonya will be here in 20 minutes, and then we are going to meet Cory at the restaurant. It's gonna be fun! I hope Tonya remembered to bring my camera.. yah like she would forget, lol.

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