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It's a Start

It's a Start...

April 04, 2001

Today at lunch, I walked. I used to walk everyday at lunch time. We have these woods behind our campus, and there are some really nice trails to walk. I did it every day for almost a year... but somehow I just can't bring myself to do it in the Winter, and then come Spring it is just so hard to get myself to start again, and I never got going last year. This year I am determined to do it, but starting out is always the hard part. But I started today... woo hoo.

I had a really nice walk too. Don't you just love when you are finished, and your legs feel all tingly? LOL. It was beautiful out too. Well at first it felt a little chilly, but by the time I was half way finished, I had my jacket off and tied around my waist. I was so proud of myself, and I felt so good after I was finished. Now to go tomorrow...

I am usually okay with it during the week, but weekends, forget it.... I am so bad. But I guess 5 days out of 7 is better than 0 days out of 7 right? I really wish I could lose some weight. I don't need to be skinny skinny, but I want to get to a point where I can feel good about myself again, where I can feel sexy for my husband. He always tells me how sexy I am and stuff, but I want to feel it too. Maybe between walking and the metformin I can get somewhere... who knows. I also bought those 8 minute workout tapes.. but I haven't even opened them yet. Maybe I will do that too.. Maybe Maybe Maybe... One of these many excuses...I've got to work at this...

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