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Bits of Green and Red

Bits of Green and Red...

April 05, 2001

Today, as I was walked, I was checking out the stuff around me. That's one of the things that I really enjoy about walking in the woods, the changes from season to season. Anyway, today, I noticed that there is starting to be lots of green trying to pop up from under the dead leaves. How exciting. I really do love Spring, when everything is starting to come to life. Spring is probably one of my favorite seasons, it is a toss up with Autumn, but I guess that the one better thing about Spring is that Winter is far far way, giggle. I am so ready for a few months without it.

Last night, I told Stephen that I really feel like I am getting AF. I just had that bloated icky feeling for the past few days, and I've been feeling a little sick after I eat, which may sound strange, but I always feel that way when I have AF. Anyway, sure enough today...I've started spotting. Nothing heavy, only when I go potty and have to wipe, but enough to know that it's coming. I am sooooooooo excited! Why you might ask! Well, I haven't had my period since my miscarriage in December, and I never get my period on my own, well occasionally, but rarely indeed. So, when I started the metformin 2 months ago, one thing that I really hoped for, was that it would help me get my period on my own. I thought that it might take a while, but I didn't mind waiting. My RE wanted me to take prometrium to bring on a period though, since he doesn't like me to wait so long in between them, but I was so determined to wait it out and see if it came on it's own, and it has!!! Woo hoo, a big step. Maybe this metformin, and this break will help me. It's funny how sometimes getting your period can be such an exciting, happy thing, and other times it can make you cry for days. I will never understand...

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