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Family is Good
04-06-2003, 9:29 p.m.

I am really starting to feel closer to my brother and his family, and that makes me really happy. We had a wonderful day together today, well except for my sister, who didn't come. At first, she was out of town, but I guess she was unhappy so she actually flew home early today (and of course demanded I pick her up, which I did, and I was mad at myself for doing so, but that is a totally different story). One of these days I might actually learn something there. Anyway, so we went to Stephen's basketball game (which I taped for him because he likes having games taped, but I haven't done any this season), and then we came home so he could take a shower, and I could get a few things done before we headed over to Scott and Sharons.

My mom and dad brought tons of new toys over for the kids, so we had tons of fun playing with those all day long. It was fun spending time with the kids, espcially Megan who is getting so big, but it was just as much fun spending time with my brother and SIL too, and with my parents of course. Sharon made a wonderful dinner, which we all enjoyed. It was a great time, and it went much too quickly. It was time to go home before I knew it.

The other day, I had said to my brother that we should all take a vacation together, and the thought of going to the dells came up. So we talked about it tonight, and it looks like we *might* try to do something, all of us, the first week in August. I can't even remember the last time that we went on a big vacation with all of us, so I am really excited about the possibility. I sure hope that it works out.

Sometimes family is such a good thing, and this is one of those times. My brother was even really nice tonight, and you could tell that he was really glad that we all came over, and how much he wanted us all there. I think that he is changing, and starting to appreciate family more. I have a good feeling about all of this. I do hope that we all start doing more together, it would mean so much to me, especially to see more of my neice and nephew. I love them so much, and I often wish that I got to see them more often than I do. I am going to enjoy that the most. Well that, and seeing my mom so happy. She really was so happy today, and I like seeing that. Even though she rarely said anything, I know that she never understood why my brother seperated himself from family so much, and I know that it really hurt her. This is a new start, and so far it's a great one.

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