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Mr. Time Keeper
04-07-2003, 10:05 p.m.

Mr. Time Keeper...
A Dear X Collaboration

April 07, 2003

Dear Keeper of the Time,

Thought you would surprise us didn't you? Did you think that we wouldn't notice that you not only made us lose an hour, but that you pushed us back into December. Now I realize that it should not have been much of a surprise when I woke up to a white world, it had been talked about over and over on the news all day yesterday, but there was a part of me that hoped that maybe it was just a delayed April's fool joke, and that those pesky weather people would be wrong (not like that's never happened before). But they weren't and I woke up to snow, rain and sleet, what a pleasant combination.

And what is it with the need for time to change anyway? Do you think it is fun to watch people off their bearings? I bet you laughed while I struggled to get through the day. We had to get up even earlier because of your mistake of putting us back in December, because it takes time to clean that white stuff off the cars and the driveway. We had to be to work by 6:30, so that meant that we were up before 5. Unfortunately, I never got the chance to change a couple of the clocks yesterday, so as I walked past them, it was painful to see that it really should only be a little before 4, and I should still be fast asleep. But no, I had to play by your rules.

I was rather crabby all day, and I couldn't wait to get home. The best part of having to be in at 6:30 is that I get to go home at 3. My plan was to go to the gym, but I knew that I couldn't. I was so tired, so very tired. But I surprised you didn't I? That nap did me wonders and when I woke up, I was totally refreshed. I wouldn't have minded taking tonight as my day off from working out, but it was almost like I had something to prove, didn't I? So I went to the gym and I had a great workout. Guess you were surprised.

So you can steal an hour from us, Mr. Time Keeper, and you can blanket us in snow in April, but you can't win. Eventually the weather will warm up again, and you will have to give us that hour back sooner or later. In the end, the surprise is on you, because in a day or two it's back to normal and you are forgotten, for a little while at least, you do have a way of returning.

Until next time,


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