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Better Forgotten
04-08-2003, 9:26 p.m.

Some days just are not worth writing about, and I have to say that this has been one of them. So I will keep this short. I need to get my butt to bed because I need to get up and get into work early tomorrow. Tomorrow is our faculty senate meeting, and it's the big one of the year, because we have to vote on all the graduations lists, as well as the recommendations from the rank and tenure committee.. and since the FSC (Faculty Senate Chair) was out of town for the past two weeks, and only returned today, we are really way behind. We had asked all the deans offices to send the information to me, so that I could get it ready, but of course they sent it to him, and so now I am running around trying to get it all done in record time. So I have tons to do tomorrow, and then I will probably be at work really late, since the meeting starts at 4, and I anticipate it being a very lonnnnggg meeting. Tomorrow will definitely be an interesting day.

This is one of those days when I am just ready to crawl into bed and forget it all. It's not even the faculty senate stuff either, that I can handle, it's other stuff, which is a whole other story.

I was reading earlier and I so just wanted to go to sleep, I was so tired, but I talked myself into getting up and going to the gym. I am glad that I did go, but now I am more awake, which figures. Won't stop me from trying though, and very shortly.

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