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Cry or Laugh
04-09-2003, 8:19 p.m.

Cry or Laugh...
A Random Acts of Journaling Collaboration

April 09, 2003

What makes you cry?

There are so many ways that I can answer this question, and we all know that there are so many things that can make us cry, but tonight I have one thing in particular that I would like to write about in response to these questions. One thing that really makes me cry is fighting with a friend. Not just any friend, but someone who means so much to me. It's amazing how horrible something like that can make me feel. My stomach gets tied up in knots and I can't think of anything else, besides the problems that are there. Sometimes it is the silliest things that should not even be fought about to begin with and other times, it is something that has been under the skin for a while. I think that I've come to the point in my friendships that I don't worry that every fight is going to mean the end of the friendship, because I think that my friendships are strong enough to withstand anything. But still, it's not a good feeling, and I don't look forward to these moments (of course who does).

What makes you laugh?

Along the same lines, I would say that making up with said friend makes me laugh.. and giggle in relief. Especially when you learn that said friend felt the same way that you did, and that they too were agonizing over the stress. I am not one to let things drag out for too long, I so like to get things fixed right away, because the longer they last, the worse they are. Unfortunately, there are some things that are not as easy to fix, and that sucks, but I don't doubt that things will always be okay in the end. Sometimes the hardest part is taking that first step, but boy does it feel so good when you can hug and laugh together, and say I love you, everything is okay.

I love you my friend. I hope that everything is okay and that we can laugh about this later. We are never going to totally agree on everything in life, but hopefully you think that we agree on enough to make it worth it. I know I do. I may be stubborn and sometimes I don't know how to say what I am feeling, but it doesn't mean that I don't feel, or that I don't understand or care. Cause I do, really, I do.

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