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Mish Mash
04-10-2003, 9:54 p.m.

Hockey playoffs have begun, which is such a good thing. I love hockey and I even love watching the NHL at playoff time. What great hockey it is too, the games have been spectacular. The Wolves start their own playoff run on Sunday, and I am anxiously waiting to watch them move on from round to round, hopefully with the same conclusion as last year, hehe.

Today has been a really nice day. Jen and I got together for lunch today, and I took her to one my special places, Baileys. I love it there, and she seemed to love it as much. More importantly though, we had some wonderful quality time which was so needed. We haven't seen each other in a while, and so it was nice to just sit and catch up. We both really enjoyed it so much, and we left feeling very much re-connected. I have some really cute stories from lunch today, but I am really tired, so I am going to finish this and save them for tomorrow's entry.

I went to the gym when I got home, and I had a horrible workout. I just could not get into it for anything, and I came home feeling pretty crummy about it. I decided to go for a walk after Survivor was over, and while it started out slow, I started feeling better part way through and it actually ended up being a great walk, and I ended up walking more than four miles today, yay. I guess that it's good to stick with things, even when they seem impossible, you might be able to break through.

Things have been insane at work, and there is a lot going on that has me all crazed. The Faculty Senate meeting went wonderfully though, and while I still have a lot of work to do for that, I am beyond the point of being worried or stressed over it. Instead, there is some stuff going on with the student from hell (you might remember, she is the one who practically accused me of changing her answer sheet for an exam to make her have 4 wrong instead of 3.. give me a break). I feel sorry for her because she has a daughter who is in baghdad, and she can't get in touch with her. I can't even imagine what she is going through, but I am sorry that doesn't give her the right to treat me or the other members of our department the way she has, especially when we have tried to bend over backwards to accomodate her and her troubles. She went as far as accusing us today of hating iraq-y people because we can't just let her wait to take our class this summer by herself. I swear, some people just need to get a clue.

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