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Who Has Time
04-06-2004, 9:39 p.m.

Okay, Okay, this update is for Jen� I heard you girl, loud and clear. I tell you, I have been so busy lately that the last thing on my mind has been getting online at night. Work is totally insane, and I�ve been bringing work home sometimes, and plus, I work so hard all day long, the last thing I want to do is look at the computer at night. I am so behind on email (so if you�ve emailed me and I�ve not responded, I am so sorry) and so many other things, but I figure that I will catch up eventually. In the meantime, I will at least shoot for small updates each night, or at least not wait for 4 days in between them.

As I said, work has been totally insane, and will continue to be at least for the next week. I have a HUGE FS meeting next Wednesday, and I have so much to do to prepare for it. I am not complaining though, I really do feel useful, and besides the OT is nice too, hehe. It is helping to pay for something big we have planned for next weekend (not Easter weekend, the following). I will write more about that as it comes up.

I have been doing pretty good with my workouts. I�ve still been getting up and going in the mornings, without fail during the week, aside from the few days that I have had exams. On those days I still have to get up at the same time, but I have to get into work super early so there is no time for the gym, even if I wanted to. Now, in addition to my morning workouts, I have been going for a 2 mile walk at night as well. I figure that it will not only help me with my plan, but also in getting those miles back up to where they should be if I am going to make my goal of 700 miles this year. I really did get so behind at the beginning of this year, but I am not worried, I am trekking ahead now.

I am FINALLY starting to see some small changes in my body again too, which is totally exciting. I am so disappointed in myself for going so far backwards, but at least I am trying again, and hopefully will be back to where I was before too long (okay, it�s going to take a long time, that is how far back I went� I gained almost 20 pounds back in the past 6 months!!!). Still I am choosing to look forward, not backwards� I know, how convenient, hehe.

Saturday we went to Cory�s for a stamping up party, and had such a great time. Both with getting to work on crafts, and also in getting to fight over Andy. I can�t believe how big he is getting or how much he looks like Cory. He is just too adorable, and too precious. I am so envious of her sometimes, but in a good way of course.

Well, I have tons more to write about, since I haven�t been here in 4 days, but I am really tired too. See what I mean, by the time I get home, relax and eat dinner, and then go for my walk, I am just ready to fall into bed. But I promised you Jen, and I don�t break my promises. So now if you get me to promise EACH day, that might work, lol. Seriously though, who has some time I can borrow each day? There just are not enough hours for me.

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