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April 08, 2001

Today was a very nice day. I was in a great mood too, probably because I had such a wonderful time with Stephen last night. I got up early this morning and headed out to my mom's. Cory came over to spend some time with me there too, which was wonderful. We all went shopping for material for quilts and stuff like that and then out to lunch. We just really had a very nice time. My mom and gram both like Cory a lot, and love when she comes to spend time there. As soon as I had gotten there this morning, my gram said where is your friend? Isn't she coming, LOL.

My mom gave Cory the quilt that she made for her today, but she really felt that Cory didn't like it. See Cory had asked for a northwoods one, so my mom assumed that it meant northwoodsy types of animals and stuff and that is how she did it. Cory is very particular about the things she likes.. well maybe particular is not the right word, but I can't think of another right now. My mom said that she would make another quilt for her too, and she doesn't mind doing it because she loves making quilts for people. She just needs to get a feel for Cory's taste :) Cory and I tried to pick out material for her next quilt today, but didn't find the *right* stuff yet. And no, Cory you didn't drive me nuts silly goose, take your time and get what you really want.

After Cory left because she had to get home (we didn't want to let her go, hehe), we went shopping a little more, and then just hung out, and then I left to come home. I didn't make it home until the middle of the Soprano's but I watched the 2nd half with him. He also taped the Wolves game that was on TV today for me, so we are going to watch that together before we go to sleep. They won today, which clinched their playoff spot. They are tied for first place in their conference, and their last season game is on Wednesday with the team they are tied with and I hope that they win, so that they will be conference champs for yet another year. I wish that we could go to a playoff game, and Stephen offered to take me, but we have so much other stuff coming up in the next few months, that we really can't afford to go to tons of other things. Time to start watching money, we've had so many *surprise* expenses lately, and that stuff really adds up. Nothing that I am really concerned with, and there is still so many fun things that we can do inexpensively :). In fact, we are supposed to go to a Sox game tomorrow, which will be nice and very inexpensive since it is half price Monday. Stephen is soooo excited about going to a ball game. I am glad, and looking forward to spending the time with him. All these dates in a row... hehe, gotta love it.

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