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Rainy Monday

Rainy Monday...

April 09, 2001

Stephen and I both had to proctor exams today, so we had to be here before 7:00, which meant that we had to leave by 6:00. I woke up at 5:00, to thunder and lightening, and then it started raining. Raining doesn't even describe it, it was coming down so hard. I just hoped and hoped that it would slow down a little before we had to leave the house. And luckily, it did. It rained all the way to work, but it didn't start getting really heavy again until we were about 10 minutes from work, so it wasn't that bad of a ride. We are supposed to have rain and thunderstorms for a good portion of the week. You know what they say, April Showers and all. LOL... at least it's not snow!

We decided to not even try to go to the baseball game tonight, with the icky weather and all. There will be lots and lots of opportunities to go over the summer, so it's really no big deal. Instead, we will just cuddle and watch a movie at home. That will be just as nice. Being together is the nice part of it all, no matter what it is that we are doing.

I cannot believe that Easter is already this week. I am going to go over to Sherry's Wednesday after work, and we are going to color eggs with the girls. I love coloring eggs, so I am looking forward to that. Then Friday night is Couples night, with Sherry, Chuck, Cory and Jim. Then on Saturday Sherry, Chuck and the girls are coming over to help put together our new grill, and BBQ out..we are celebrating Easter a day early with them, as we usually do. And of course with Sunday being Easter, we will spend time with family. Stephen's brother Gerald and his wife Michelle are having everyone over. Busy busy week... but it really seems like my whole life has been busy busy these days.

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