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Married to My Best Friend

Married to My Best Friend...

April 10, 2001

I was talking to an old friend today, someone that I've not really talked with too often in a few years now, although we have shared occasional updates. She and I were pretty close during "the year from hell" that Stephen and I had, and while we have talked since then, and she knew that things had really gotten so much better between us, it was really nice today to be able to tell her just how happy I am in my marriage. I was telling her about our date the other night, and how much fun we had. After we talked for a while she asked... "isn't it nice being married to your best friend", and I had to say YES! I love Stephen so much, I love being married to him, but I love being friends with him too. I love that we enjoy spending time together, doing things together, laughing together. I guess that the thing is, I just really like him as well. I like that Stephen and I were friends before anything else. We've known each other since we were 14, and we have that history. We can laugh about silly moments, talk about old friends, and just share those parts of our lives. I love playing the Remember when... game with him, LOL

I didn't get to walk yesterday because it was raining out, but I did go today. Can you say muddy? Squish squish... hehe.. but know what else... I saw all these trees that had buds on them, and they didn't have them last week, so that was pretty neat. Pretty soon everything will be in bloom. I love Spring. I have been wanting to plant bulbs, and I am thinking of doing some this weekend. I usually just plant flowers, but I really would like something that comes up every year. I just am not really sure how to take care of them, but my mom and gram assure me that it is easier than I think it will be... so that's going to be my project for the next few weeks. Who knows, maybe it will be a great success...and if not, I can always go back to just planting flowers. I figure I will do a little bit of both this year. I love flowers. I love how my house looks in the summer with flowers everywhere. I can't wait for it to be pretty again, LOL. Winter is so dreary and this winter seemed to last forever.

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