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One Little Hour

One Little Hour...

April 09, 2002

Sometimes an hour seems like such little time.. when you are having fun, or when you are spending time with a loved one. Sometimes an hour seems like so long... when you are scared or lonely or doing something you hate. It's amazing how different one little hour can seem from the next.

This daylight savings time change always messes with me. That one little hour can cause so much confusion in my life, giggle. I am serious... for weeks, I am constantly tired, unable to go to sleep until late, have a hard time waking up each morning.. and then I take naps after work, because I am so tired that I just can't see straight. That's how it has been this week. I told myself that I was not going to take a nap tonight.. not going to, not for anything.. I even stayed out of the bedroom so that I wouldn't be able to lay down.. I sat on the couch and read instead... and fell asleep without even trying. Stephen laughed at me, but he let me sleep.. which means tonight I will have trouble falling asleep again, and tomorrow we get to start all over... That one little hour has me all screwed up.

Tomorrow is the Faculty Senate Meeting. I have a lot to do tomorrow to get ready for it... but I am am not nervous or worried this time like I was last time, so that is such a cool thing. I am just so matter of fact about it. Hehe, at least I can save the OT pay I will get for Florida.. that is such a good thing. I still have to go find something to wear tomorrow, hehe.

I tried to talk Stephen into taking me to the Wolves game tomorrow.. but he didn't seem so thrilled about it. Mostly because I have that meeting, and we don't know what time that will be until. But he did just tell me that he is going to drive to work with me tomorrow and that if the meeting is not too late, that we can go to the game, yay!! I am listening to the game right now and the wolves blew a lead and gave up 2 goals back to back, and now are trailing by 1 with less than a minute to go.. but they do have 6 on 4 right now, so there is a chance to tie... I sure hope that they can do it.. 40 seconds.... I would hate to see their season end here in the first round of the playoffs. Of course they can come back and win tomorrow and again Thursday.. it's not like it is over.. but I can't believe they blew a lead like that with only 7 minutes or so in the game. This is what they have been doing all year.. okay okay enough hockey talk. I should never write in my journal as I am listening to the games, because it's all I can think about. Another instance of time... 10 seconds can seem so long when you are behind by 1....

Daily Tidbits

  1. Maybe I better not go to the game tomorrow afterall. I get so involved and frustrated when they lose during the playoffs.. funny how losses during the regular season are not a big deal to me... but come playoff time, forget it.
  2. I talked to my mom tonight. My sister is in some kind of trouble again. She didn't want to talk about it, and I really don't want to know either.. it's better if I don't get involved. I love her so much, but she has to grow up sometime. She is on her own.
  3. I so meant to write another memory from last week in here tonight. I can't believe I didn't. I will never catch up this way.. you know what.. I am going to go scan the pics we took last week, and do a second entry.. that's what I am going to do... okay be back in a few, giggle.
  4. 43 days!

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