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Current Events...

April 12, 2001

Today, I was checking out the news, and I came across all these articles about the situation in Cincinnati, with all the riots and looting, and I was kinda disappointed in myself for not keeping up with current events. It's never been my best area, that is for sure. When I was a Senior in High School, we had to take a current events class. We had quizzes every day in that class, and we were allowed to have notes from the news/newspapers, magazines, whatever we read in front of, but he would ask us questions from anything, and very often I wouldn't do so well on those quizzes. I wonder why I have such a mental block when it comes to this stuff. Don't ask me, I can't figure it out.

Today has been a pretty nice day, I've really gotten lots of work done. I've really missed talking with Jen lots lately though. Between her computer being broken, and her phone line not working right, she hasn't been around much, and I really miss her. I want her to be around so we can be planning our trip. I can't believe that it's only 13 days away now. I am starting to get pretty nervous about the flying stuff though. Everytime I hear a plane go overhead, I start getting butterflies in my tummy. Cory says that she will hold my hand, as long as I hold her barf bag. What a pair we are going to be, giggle. I have to say though, that I am really soooooo very excited that I get to go on this trip with Cory. I think that we are going to have a blast. We have lots of plans for while we are there. We are so funny because we want to do so much stuff that we will not get a moment to think, LOL. I can just see Cory and I on the plane on the way back too, going over every single thing we did. This is going to be so much fun...

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