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Signs of Spring

Signs of Spring...

April 12, 2002

Spring is in the air. Yesterday it was an absolutely beautiful day, and I enjoyed every minute of it. They said that it would be today as well, but they were wrong!!! It was still a little warmer than it had been, but it was rainy and gloomy all day. I hope that tomorrow is as sunny and warm as yesterday was.

There are so many things around that signify spring to me. For one, my favorite little shop opened.. the hawaiian ice place. Omg, they have the best flavors for their hewaiian shaved ice. I could stop there every single day and never get tired of it. I wonder how bad that stuff is for my diet, giggle. Last summer, Stephen stopped there almost every night to get me one. I had one yesterday and it was as good as I remembered. We pass the place on our way home from work, and all winter long, Stephen and I would glance to see if it was open.. and I would be disappointed when it wasn't. I guess they closed for the winter.. but that doesn't matter now, cause they are open again, yippee.

Another sign of spring... bunnies. We get a million rabbits in our neighborhood every spring... just hopping around everywhere. You mostly see them in the early mornings or evenings.. and Shadow sits in the window and talks to them. Sure enough, she was in the window tonight going nuts and I look out and there was my first bunny of the year. Gosh, have I mentioned how much I love this time of year?

I have had my windows all open for 3 days now, and while the nights are a bit on the chilly side, it feels wonderful to snuggle under the comforters and feel the cool air on my face. More reason to cuddle up with Stephen in the early mornings, and boy do I love that.

So I didn't get to write in here last night, since Diaryland was down. I wanted to write about the Faculty Senate meeting Wednesday. It was great! I was not nervous one bit.. in fact, I had a lot of confidence in myself. Confidence is something that I am finding a little more of each and every day. It's amazing how much feeling better about yourself affects so many areas of your life. I am still far from where I want to be, and I find that I slip more often than I should.. but each day is a brand new opportunity, and I am making good choices along the way. I have the working out thing down... I am close to working out 5-6 hours a week now... if only I could control my appetite a little more...I would be doing great. I know that my PCOS makes things a little harder.. and I just need to get back on my meds (mental note, pick up my prescription tomorrow). I feel so much better when I am on them, I don't know why it is so hard for me to remember to take them each day. I am going to try harder though.. I need to try harder.

My MIL bought the family season passes for Great America again today. The season begins May 4th, and I am looking forward to taking the girls a lot again this year. We had such a fun time with it last year. We are also planning a family trip to the Six Flags in St. Louis this year. We had such a great time, all of us going to Ohio, so we decided to do it again, but yet checking out a different park this year. It should be fun. We probably won't go until August, after Nicole has the baby, or at least I imagine that is when they will pick. As long as it isn't June.. I am going to Florida then, giggle... and I can't wait!

Daily Tidbits

  1. I got the invite to Nicole's baby shower yesterday. It is so weird to me.. my MIL threw the showers for each of my SIL's and she is helping a little on this one, but Nicole's family took it over. I guess it doesn't matter in the end, but I would have liked to have been involved in it. Maybe I should just call them and see if there is anything I can do to help.
  2. I am thinking of going swimming tomorrow morning, even though Cory couldn't make it this week *pout*. I like doing it with her, so I will miss her a lot tomorrow. Still, I haven't done it in a few weeks, and I am finding that I am at a standstill on the weight loss... so every little bit is going to help at this point.
  3. I almost had Stephen talked into travelling to Grand Rapids this weekend for the Wolves game. They advanced to the next round and start playing the Griffins tomorrow night. The away games are on TV though, so we are going to watch those here, and go to the home game on Wednesday night. It would have been fun to go though *pout*, but he would have had to give up basketball on Sunday (I didn't realize he had the early game), and I don't want him to have to do that, since Kevin can't make this game, and if they had not enough guys, they would have to forfeit, they lose enough games on their own without having to do that. Besides he is going to have the miss the game for Katelyn's christening.. sooo, I backed down.. dummy me, lol.
  4. 43 days!

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