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Lazy Day

Lazy Day...

April 14, 2002

What a beautiful day we had, weather wise. It was so nice. I wore shorts and a t-shirt and took my jacket in case I needed it, but I never did use it. It was just heavenly, and I hope it stays like this. We didn't do much today.. not much at all. We got up and went to Stephen's game and then over to visit with the in-laws for a little over an hour. That was nice, seeing as though I hadn't gone over in a few thursdays. We had a nice visit.

After we got home, I went grocery shopping for the week, and when I got home I did nothing else, literally. Giggle. Stephen and I just vegged out and watched sports all day.. we flipped between the Sox game, various hockey games and the Golf stuff. I did get up to make dinner, which was oh so yummy, but that was about the extent of my activities today. LOL, sounds exciting doesn't it? Actually, sometimes you just need lazy days like this. It's going to be a long week at work this week, so what a nice way to prepare for it.

About 7:30 tonight, we talked about actually going to do something, but we couldn't agree on what to do. Stephen wanted to drive to the video store to rent slap shot, and I wanted us to walk there.. but he wasn't going for it. So I thought that I would go and work on my scrapbooks for a while. It's been such a long time since I have done a page. I did get one done, but then I realized that the Pilot's Wife was about to start. I really wanted to watch that, because I have read the book, so I gave up on scrapping and went to lay down to watch it.

Okay, how come books are always so much better than the movie. I mean, really. They totally ended the movie differently than the book. I hate that. It should be the same. I thought the movie was okay, but the book was so much better. I might have loved the movie had I not read the book first. There are so many movies like that.. hmm, trying to think of one.. oh, the Bone Collector. That was such an awesome book, one that scared the crap out of me.. and the movie was alright, but nowhere near as good as the book. The funny part was that Stephen and I waited and waited to see that movie, so we could both finish the book first, but then after we saw the movie, we both said that we wished we had seen it before the book. I do like watching movies of books that I've read though.. it's so neat seeing how different you pictured the characters than they are in the movies.

Speaking of movies, I am off to cuddle with Stephen and watch one. I am not sure what he picked for us to watch yet, but it looks like it is a Disney movie.. our favorite cuddling before bed movies... giggle.

Daily Tidbits

  1. I have an exam tomorrow morning and Tuesday morning, so the next few days are going to be sooooo long and busy for me. Plus I have all this faculty senate stuff to do on top of it all, and now we have to have an emergency meeting this week, so I have to get that going as well. Going to be a fun week!
  2. I tried to get Stephen to take the tires off of my bike today. I need to take them in and get them fixed so that I can start riding my bike. He promised that he would do it tomorrow. He better!!!!
  3. I didn't go workout at all this weekend like I had hoped to, so I am really looking forward to doing so tomorrow. I have been doing a lot of sit ups at home this weekend though, and I am going to continue doing that. I figure since my stomach is my most problem area, it won't hurt.
  4. 43 days!
  5. Is anyone wondering what 43 days is yet? hehe!
  6. I have to try to remember to write about our Easter basket memory tomorrow. I wanted to do so the other day and keep forgetting. Maybe if I write it here, I will remember tomorrow.
  7. Awwwww, he picked Bambi for us to watch because the other day I told him that I was twitterpated, giggle. I love this movie (well except for where Bambi's mom dies, that part is awful)!

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