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Happy Birthday Tonny

Happy Birthday Tonny...

April 15, 2002

I want to send the happiest of birthday's out to Tonya. Today is her birthday, and while we got to celebrate it while she was here visiting, I still hope that I was able to help make her actual birthday more special. She (and the other girls of course) really made my birthday so special this year, and I just know that I could never do enough to make theirs just as special

Poor Tonny though. Of course, she says that she had a horrible day, and for that I feel badly for her.. noone should have a horrible birthday... noone! It should be a crime, giggle.. to make someone's birthday horrible. I feel so bad that it was so icky for her. I guess she had problems with her taxes among other things.. of course that is what happens when you wait until the last minute girlll... lol. Seriously, you are getting money back, why wait.. get that baby in there. Okay, don't laugh.. we just got ours out today too.. giggle. Of course, I blame that on my father.. he does our taxes every year and he likes to wait until the last minute .. and does ours and his and my grandfather's all on the last day.. he is nuts. He was so crabby yesterday, working on them. I have offered to do them myself.. but he loves doing them, but he just loves waiting.. so I really have to room to talk, but I figured if I teased Tonya that I wouldn't look so bad myself, giggle. So, it didn't work!

I got to spend a little time with Tonny tonight though, watching the Wolves game (yah, I watched, she listened.. and to the bad station too.. hehe, that's what we call the other team's broadcast). The Wolves had an awesome game. We got some of our players back from the Thrashers and one of them made his arrival known by scoring in the first 58 seconds of the game.. it was all great from there, and we won 5-1. Our captain even had a hat trick.. which I predicted he was going to get.. of course I didn't predict it until he got he second goal so I guess that doesn't matter.. or at least Stephen says that it doesn't. Phooey. Now the next game is Wednesday night here, and Stephen and I are going.. yay!!! They are tied 1-1 for the series.. and have the next 2 games at home.. all they have to do is defend their home ice.. I have faith, lol.

Today was such a lonnngggggggg day at work, and I had to get up early (5:30) to get there early for the exam. I am sooooo tired, and even though it's only 9:00, I think that I am going to just go to bed after I write this. I have to be to work early again tomorrow, so that means another 5:30 morning.. so sleep sounds really really good. I only hope I can fall asleep with how warm it is in this house. It was 90 degrees out today and you can feel it in the house. I hateeee being hot when I am going to sleep... I so much rather be cold.. I sleep much better that way. Oh well, maybe I am tired enough that it won't matter... hehe.

Daily Tidbits

  1. I went to pick up some pictures tonight. They were from September of last year (yah yah, I was behind) from when Tonya and her girls flew up. OMG, we all look so fat in these pictures, and you can so see the changes in us now when you look at them. There are some cute ones (thankfully) but most of them... MOOOOOO
  2. Sherry asked me to take off Friday and Monday to go to Minnesota with her, and she is a bit upset that I can't. Gee, give me a little notice next time.. besides, I don't get mad at her when she can't do things either. I do feel bad, I would have liked to spend that time with her.
  3. I forgot all the other stuff that I wanted to write tonight becacuse I am really falling asleep sitting here.. so I am going to go take my last pill for the night (yay, I took all 3 today, I am on a roll, lol), and go to bed. G'nite.
  4. 43 days!

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