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Work? What's That?

Work? What's That?...

April 16, 2001

I just realized that I only have 90 minutes before it is time to go home, and I've not done very much work today. What the heck have I been doing? Catching up on email for one. I hadn't really read any since Thursday, and I had a full box this morning. I've also been chatting with Jen and Cory and Melissa and Jo allll day long. Good thing my boss isn't here today, or he would be giving me some looks, that is for sure. Maybe I should hurry up and do a few things now so that I at least feel like I partially earned my pay for the day, LOL. Seriously though, I usually do more than a days work in a day, so when I get slow quiet days like this, I just enjoy them.

I looked out the window a little while ago, and we were getting flurries. It was freezing this morning too. My house was sooo cold, and I should have turned the heat back on.. but but but... I don't wannnnaaaaa... It's the middle of April, c'mon, where did Spring go????

Only 9 days from now we will be headed to Virginia. Wow, the time has gone quickly and it will be here before we know it now. I am getting more and more nervous about the flying thing though...

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