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Oh yah, that's what it is

Oh yah, that's what it is...

April 17, 2001

If I wasn't busy yesterday, I surely am making up for it today. I have been consistently busy the whole day. So much so, that I even forgot to do something pretty important. We have workshops on Tuesdays this quarter and so each Tuesday, I have to get sign in sheets ready for them, as well as making sure that the cases are ready. Well, I even remembered this morning that it was workshop day and printed out the sign in sheets, and then I proceeded to completely forget. Stephen and I ran out at lunch time to pick up some tickets (more on that later) and when I got back I wondered where everyone was... Oops, they were in their workshops, without the sign in sheets. I thought for sure that I was going to get in trouble, but luckily my boss thought it was funny and laughed about it. They just had the students sign in on blank sheets of paper, and now I just have to match everything up. A pain in the butt, for sure, but it could have been a lot worse. Phew, crisis adverted.

So last night, they announced the first two play off games for the Wolves. They are this Friday and Saturday. Stephen asked me out for a *date* on Friday to go to the game, and out to dinner. I happily accepted. He was cute as we were going to get the tickets at lunch today. He kept telling me over and over how we are just going to get cheaper seats this time (we have a discount coupon, so we knew we could get good seats for great prices), and I was so totally okay with whatever seats we got... but then when we got there, he got us front row balcony, center ice tickets... WOW. Of course, now he is totally teasing me, telling me how spoiled I am, yada yada yada. This man LOVES to tease me, but he also loves to spoil me. I am looking forward to our date :)

Oh and a funny part... even with all his teasing on how I am spoiled and how I was supposed to say, oh no honey, get the cheap seats, I don't need those awesome seats...he couldn't wait to get back to work and go show off the tickets to a couple of our co-workers who are also wolves fans... giggle... what a man.

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