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Sad Day

Sad Day...

April 19, 2002

Well the funeral was this morning, and it was very sad. For everyone. We picked up Stephen's parents and met his SIL there. We all sat together, and it was comforting to be surrounded by family. From the moment they carried the coffin into the church the tears were abundant. It was a sad ceremony and my heart is still with his family. I can't even imagine how horrible it was for all of them. It's the living that suffers, isn't it. They will live with that grief for a long time to come.

Stephen cried alot.. especially as he took his last look at the coffin. It was hard for him, for all of us.. but now we have to move forward, and hope that our grief lessens a little bit each day. We will never forget him, and his family will have our prayers for a long time.

That wasn't the end of our icky day though. Icky.. there is a good word for it. Stephen and I both had only taken off half the day from work, so after the funeral we headed towards work. We were both a little shooken up, so we decided to stop and get something to eat first. As we were sitting in subway, just talking.. Stephen jumps up and screams oh my god, and runs out of the store... I get up to follow him, and see this little old lady laying in the parking lot right outside the door..she had tripped over the parking bump and fell right on her face.. she was bleeding everywhere.. and already had a bump the size of a golf ball over her right eye. She wore glasses, and they broke when she fell and some of the glass was stuck in some of her many cuts. Her nose was bleeding as well. I ran back into the store and asked for some wet cold rags and some ice. After I got back out, a few other men were helping Stephen with her, and we got a chair from inside subway and they picked her up and put her on it, only to get her out of the parking lot. Her husband wasn't much help.. he was too busy yelling at her.. saying, I told you not to get out of the car... blah blah. At first I wanted to yell at him and tell him that he wasn't helping.. but I didn't. Later Stephen reminded me how I often yell at the kids when they do something that I told them not to do and they get hurt. It's something I never mean to do, but I guess it is how I deal with that intense feeling of fear thinking of how hurt they could be.

Anyway, the husband didn't want us to call an ambulance, he said he would take care of her.. but I could see how disoriented she was and how upset, and one of the guys helping was an EMT and he agreed that one should be called, so we called one anyway. As we were waiting for them to get there, she was hanging on to my arm, as I was holding ice on her head, and cleaning off the blood as well as I could. She kept telling me how glad she was that I was there, and it just made me so sad. Watching the ambulance leave with her, I was so sad.. I hope she is okay.. I wish I could find out. What a sad morning it was.. all of it.

Daily Tidbits

  1. We didn't get into work until after 12.. so I didn't go workout at my usual time. I really didn't feel like going at all, but I decided to do at least half a workout before I went home. Well the half turned into a little more and a little more until I did the whole workout. I am glad I did.. it felt good.
  2. Stephen has been all lovey and clingy the past few days. I love how close we are and how much we help each other thru all of this. I know how much he loves me.. but I love how much he tells me all the time too. I am glad that I have him. I always will be glad that I have him.

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