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Unproductive Day

Unproductive Day...

April 20, 2002

Not that I am complaining too much, but here it is almost 11 o'clock, and it feels like I just got up a few hours ago, lol. I did sleep a little late, but not THAT late. We got up around 9 and just goofed around, ate breakfast and hung out in bed for most of the morning. My mom and dad came over around 11 or so to drop off their dogs. They were headed for Indiana for the weekend, and I offered to dog sit, hehe. They stayed for about a half hour or so, which was nice, and then they left. I ran to the library to return some books and get some others, came home, ate lunch.. ran back out to pick up some pictures and take back a few things at another store.. came home, took a nap.. got up, went to the video store with Stephen to rent Slap shot, came home, ate dinner and then watched Slap shot. Okay, as I am typing it out, it sounds like that accounts for my day, but why does it feel like I've done nothing??

I so *wanted* to go out to work, since I had forgotten to bring home some faculty senate stuff that I wanted to get done. We have a meeting Monday, and I wanted to have all this other stuff before then. Actually, I really *need* to get it done. I never did make it out there, but I think that I am going to drop Stephen off at his game tomorrow, and run out there to pick everything up.. and work out, then come back and pick up Stephen, come home and get a few hours of work done before the Wolves game. At least I will feel like I've actually accomplished something this weekend that way, and I will also get an extra workout in, which will be nice.

Speaking of working out.. I finally moved down on the scale today!!! Woo hoo!! I seem to go in a strange pattern.. I get stuck on a weight for weeks, and then when I start moving down, I move quickly for a week or so, then get stuck for weeks again. Sometimes that can be so aggrevating, but it's nice the few days that the scale is moving quickly, giggle. So, on my new scale (remember, it put me back over 200), I am back down to 198 now. YAY!!! I am really even more excited about it this time than last, because it just is something I really wanted, and I know that I am not getting a new scale so no more going up because of that, lol.

When mom and dad were here, she asked me to try on my 18 jeans for her, and I did. I can almost start wearing them. They fit nice... although they are still too tight when I sit down, and I am just miserable with them on. But still, I am getting there, and I am really excited about that. She said that she has some other jeans at home that are 18s and that I can have them, yay. She is down to a 14 now so she doesn't need them. I am so glad, cause I really want to get to a 16, so I don't want to spend a lot of money on 18 clothes, ya know. They kept telling me over and over how great I look, and how proud of me that they are, and it really meant so very much to me.

Stephen and I rented another movie to watch and we are going to do so now, and cuddle in bed. These are my favorite times of the whole day, hehe.

Daily Tidbits

  1. I wanted to scrapbook today, but I really have been struggling with that. Cory called to invite me over to scrap with her but I didn't get her message until it was getting too late to do so. I need to make plans to scrap with her soon so that I can get back on track here, I am getting so far behind.
  2. Jen also called and invited me over today, and it would have been great to see her, but Nicole has strep now, and I always catch that one when the kids have it.. I think I would feel more safe going after she has been on the antibiotics a day or more, giggle. Still I had thought about making plans with her or Cory for today, and I kinda wish that I did. It would have been a nice day for hanging out. I did have a nice time hanging out with Stephen though, so that's a good thing.
  3. I also wanted to start sewing, I have so many things that I want to sew, and so many that I need to sew. I am making a costume for a friend's daughter, and I need to get started on it. Maybe I can find some time tomorrow to at least cut it out, and then work on it a little during the week.
  4. Next Sunday is Katelyn's Christening. Stephen is so excited about it, and we are talking about what we want to get her for her gift. I wanted to make a quilt, as an extra gift, because I have made one for each of our godchildren, so I better get moving on that as well. Okay, I am feeling overwhelmed just thinking about it. I wasted today, didn't I... lol.
  5. Did I ever mention that I work best under pressure? I think that tomorrow is going to be a productive okay so it can't be any less productive than today was.

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