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On The Edge of My Seat

On The Edge of My Seat...

April 21, 2002

That was me for the whole Wolves game tonight. It was a do or die situation for them.. Win and you move on to the next round, lose and you move onto the golf course, hehe. I knew they could win, but I also knew it wouldn't be an easy win. I was right on both counts. I still can't believe how excited I was, and how nuts I was during the game. Stephen was cracking up, and teasing me.. covering my eyes when the play was down in the Wolves zone...

I have to be honest... the game might have been a lot different if the first goal the Wolves scored wasn't actually scored by a Griffins player.. hehe.. I never have seen anything like it... he went to pass the puck and put it right into his own net. Hey it wasn't a pretty goal, but it counted and we'll take it. We did win 4-2.. but you never know what would have happened without that... Tonya said that on the Griffins broadcast they said that the hockey gods were looking down on the Wolves.. if that's what it was.. then that's what it was.. I am just glad to be moving to the next round... More hockey for me!!! Stephen promised that we can go to at least one game this series... giggle.. can't wait to see the schedule! The cool thing is that all the away games are televised too.. so lots of hockey.

With the Wolves and the Blackhawks both being in the playoffs I really am in hockey heaven. My BIL asked us if we wanted to go to a hawks playoff game with him and Nicole.. DUH, of course!

So my day today was a little more productive than yesterday, although not as much so as I would have liked. I dropped Stephen off for his game and headed out to work as I wanted to. I got a few things done there, and brought the rest home with me, and then I got to workout. That was good, and I am glad I got to do that. Then I went to pick Stephen up at his parents, and we ended up hanging out over there for a few hours. Kevin, Nicole and the kids were over too, and they had dinner ready when I got there, so that was really nice. Sometimes hanging out with family or friends is more important than other stuff. We got home a little before the Wolves game, so I got started on some of my work, and then my parents came over to pick up the dogs. I worked during the intermissions of the game and afterwards and got my minutes for the last meeting doen. That was hard for me, and I have been putting it off, so I am glad that it's done. Now we have another meeting tomorrow, so that will mean more minutes, lol.. Don't want to get too behind on those.. besides time cards go in tomorrow, and this means more OT hours, giggle. I like that. Need all that extra money to go to all these hockey games, giggle. I told Stephen that the wolves knew that I wasn't ready for the season to be done.. his response.. "I guess they will be winning the cup this year then".. hehe.. works for me.

Daily Tidbits

  1. I had a nice workout today. I used the elliptical for a short 15 minutes.. wanted to go at least a mile, and I did that in 13.. but I figured at least go to 15.. then I did some weights.. then I went to go swim for half an hour. It felt good..although it's so hard to do all that swimming when I don't do it for a while. I need to get back on track with that.
  2. I got a scrapbook page started this morning before we headed out. I should have gone and finished it tonight, but oh well at least I got one started, giggle.
  3. I still have such a long to do list... Uggghhh, and do you think I am going to go do anything? Nope.. I am off to watch a movie with Stephen, hehe.. goodnight.

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