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The Bunny Trail
04-19-2003, 9:51 p.m.

Today was a really nice family day. The plan was to go over to my ILs this morning to go to the egg hunt with the kids, which Stephen raked their lawn, but when we got there, he decided to go to the park with me, which was really nice. I was glad we went with, and it was fun watching Kathleen at her first egg hunt. I got a lot of cute pictures of all the kids. When we finally got back to Stephen's parents, he raked the lawn while I took his mom to run a few errands, and to go to the bakery for some goodies for the day, yum (yes, I was a bad girl, but I went to the gym before we headed out this morning, and then I went for another walk tonight, and thus walked almost 7 miles today!!).

We were planning on going home for a while, and then coming back over later for dinner (everyone was coming back), but somehow we ended up staying there until 4 (dinner was at 5:30), before we finally went home, so Stephen wasn't sure he wanted to go back. I really wanted to, but I wasn't going to argue the point. However, he felt better once he took a shower, and we headed back. It was a great evening, and dinner was so yummy. I ate way too much though, but oh well, there are going to be days like that.

When we got home, I felt so icky from eating too much, so I decided to go for a walk. It was a little late, so Stephen's wasn't too happy about that, but agreed if I took my phone. So off I went. Actually, Sherry called shortly after I began walking, and we ended up talking the whole time (and it went so quickly, that I went further than I thought, and I was gone for 75 minutes, hehe, Stephen was starting to get worried, oops). We had a wonderful conversation though, and that was nice. We rarely get the time to talk like that, so I really enjoyed it a lot.

Tomorrow we are going to Gerald's for dinner (Michelle has to work :( so it's not going to be very many of at all now) but not until later, so we will have the whole morning to just lay around and goof off, that will be so nice, since we were gone most of today. I can't even go to the gym because they are closed for Easter, but I will definitely go for a walk. I did so good this week, and made it to the gym 6 days in a row, so I met my goal and exceeded it. I walked the other day (last Sunday with June, remember? hehe).. so I didn't even take a day off this week, which means I rocked on my minutes. Gotta love that. I am down to 181 pounds too, woo hoo!!! Now to not over eat tomorrow and I will be doing well.

On my walk tonight I saw about 10 rabbits. There are tons of rabbits in this neighborhood and we see them out our windows every morning and night. June loves that, and often sits and watches them (meow does too, hehe).. and when we walked last week, everytime we saw one, she wondered out loud if that particular one was the easter bunny. With easter being tomorrow, everytime I saw one tonight, I couldn't help but think that maybe it was related to the easter bunny.. okay not really, but it did make me think of June.

Oh, and on another note.. tonight when I went to give the kids kisses bye, my 13 year old nephew Kevin picked me up and wouldn't put me down, just to show me he could.... man, I remember when I could pick him up!!! Where does the time go. He and I really had a nice conversation today and he told me that I am his favorite aunt and always have been. I always knew that, but it's nice to hear. I don't like to play favorites, but he has always had a very special place in my heart. What a great kid he is, I am so proud of him.

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