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Flowers and Flirting

Flowers and Flirting...

April 23, 2002

When I got to work today, I had the nicest basket full of flowers and plants on my desk, from my boss. It was huge!! The one thing I really love about getting flowers from him, is that he always get things that you can plant outside, that keep giving pleasure. He never buys cut flowers.. he is predictable in that way. I also got a few other gifts for Secretaries day from the other guys in the department, which was nice. They love me, and I love that. I wish I had my camera at work today, so I could have taken a picture of everything for my pic of the day, but if I remember, I will take my camera with me tomorrow. It was a nice day at work.. I always love days which entitle me to gifts, giggle. I just love gifts, but I love giving them as much as I love getting them, so that's a good thing, right.

Tomorrow is take your daughter to work day, and I have taken the girls in the past, but I didn't even ask them to go this year. I don't know why, I guess I just didn't think about it. I wish I would have thought to take June.. she would have enjoyed that. Okay, so would I have...very much, in fact.

So did I write about the students that work out at the same time that Stephen does? I have been going over there a little before he does, and so he comes over in the middle of my workout to do his. He doesn't work out as long, and this way we can go back together. Anyway, I always laugh at him, cause this group of 3 girls are always flirting with him. He doesn't see it, and that cracks me up even more.. but I just watch it. The funniest part is that the students rarely even realize that we are married. He deals with first year students, and while they know he is married, he doesn't say.. oh my wife is.. blah blah.. he is so private, especially at work, and he doesn't offer details.. if they ask, he is proud to tell them.. but he doesn't offer it.. I deal with second year students, and I have pictures of us all over my desk.. so by the time they get to me, they are like.. wow, you are married to Steve? LOL. Well anyway, today as I was working out (I went over a little earlier than usual), they came in and one of them says to me.. Are you Steve's wife? I said, yah, I am. She said.. we noticed your name on the bulletin board by your office, and we realized you had the same last name, and we know he is married, but we never realized his wife worked here. I was laughing to myself... and then when I went back to my office, Stephen stopped by to say he was going over to workout..

When he got back later, he said.. as soon as I walked in the door, they all came over to him.. IS THAT YOUR WIFE? LMAO.. goofball that he is didn't know what they were talking about.. WHO he asks, lol. Vicki they say.. yah, he tells them, okayyy, didn't I just tell them that, lol. It cracks me up funny. Wonder if they will still flirt so much when I am over there now, hmmmm

Daily Tidbits

  1. My boss today told me.. that I deserve so much more than the flowers, then proceeded to laugh and say, but that's all you are getting, giggle. He is a funny funny man. Actually he is funny... Jen, of course, thinks that he is handsome, but I have never thought of him that way, thank god.
  2. I have sooooooo much shopping to do tomorrow night. I need to get a few baby shower gifts for this baby shower at work on Friday.. and I need to get a gift for Katelyn still, and a dress for the christening, and and and... lol.
  3. I started the provera last night, and I am already starting to feel the side effects.. oh, this is going to be a longggggg week, lol.
  4. I think I will go flirt with my honey. Maybe instead of noticing when others flirt with him, I should spend more time doing some flirting of my own. It can't hurt, right?
  5. Oh yah, 43 days!

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